(16 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Cuaron, Nolan and Fincher. For people I would once have said that about but have now been forced to recant, Spielberg, Jackson and Abrams.


(1,649 replies, posted in Off Topic)

fcw wrote:

Sherlock meets the Doctor

VFX breakdown

I feel like I'm in that moment from the Goblet of Fire film. "...I love magic."

Would you guys be open to Star Trek Into Darkness, or is that more than Brian's heart can take?


(209 replies, posted in Off Topic)

The thing about Into Darkness that bugged me even more than white Khan was how Carol Marcus is suddenly British. Why?

It was completed for sure; ran in front of the marathon.

Dorkman wrote:

PHOENIX may very well be a collection of barks and whistles.

As I recall, PHOENIX-PRINCE was where everyone seemed the tiredest, but only on the video; discussion was as coherent as ever.


(209 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Well, as I've only seen three good movies in the theater this year, I'd rank them

1. Gravity
2. Les Miserables
3. Iron Man 3

Star Trek Into Darkness doesn't merit mention.

So glad (and surprised) I was able to stay awake for this whole thing. The fact that you guys were still lively and intelligently discussing what was on screen by hour 24 is unbelievable, but at the same time I expected no less. "Mischief motherfucking managed" indeed, good sirs.

EDIT: Goes without saying, but this whole festival of insanity is now on the Crowning Moment of Awesome page.

For those who haven't heard, this looks awesome—fully illustrated editions of the books coming out in 2015.

Invid wrote:

OK, it looks like I'm going to be able to watch this at least part way. What's the exact schedule?

Don't know if you're looking for something more precise than this, but here ya go.

avatar wrote:

In the movies (I've never read the books), Ron was nothing more than the expendable sidekick for the hero. I kept waiting for his valiant sacrifice. Ron was plain to Hermione's perkiness, dim to Hermione's intelligence, damp and moody to Hermione's sassiness. It might have made sense in the books, but casted the way the movies were, their romantic involvement was unbelievable. Not that Harry and Ginevra had much chemistry either.

The relationship works far better in the books. As I've said previously, in my opinion the films shamelessly flanderized Ron to make Hermione look better.

As someone whose two favorite podcasts are WAYDM and the late MuggleCast, I cannot tell you how excited for this I am.



A tangent that might be of interest: this may be the most lunatic, shouldn't-be-yet-is awesome HP fanfic ever written. NSFW.


(255 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Read the first book of The Zombie Bible as recommended by Dorkman. I'll have to check out the second one before I can render a verdict; this first one had a curiously seldom-present undead threat, and was far too short for the cover price, but I see that the second and third volumes are much longer.

All this remins me of a certain trope.

If Rowling really wanted to denigrate Ron, why did she make it clear that he matters more to Harry than Hermione does? And he's not dumb--Harry, in OOTP: "I'm better at Quidditch, but not at anything else."

Zarban wrote:

What? Ron does almost nothing in 3, 4, 5 (until the end), 6 (until the end), and a good part of 7.

Hermione does almost nothing in 4 as well, save helping Harry practice his Summoning Charm. Her distraction of Krum did nothing to stop his winning in the end; Moody/Crouch would've Imperiused him either way. And in 5, he helps Ginny, Luna and Neville escape from the Inquisitorial Squad whilst Hermione and Harry keep Umbridge busy.

Zarban wrote:

Ron Weasley: loyal till end... except in 4 and 7.

But he always came back. Han Solo did no better.

When you lay them out like that, they're pretty much balanced; it skews toward Hermione, but Ron does his bit. (Also, he comes up with and executes the plan of getting into the Chamber of Secrets to destroy the Cup.)


Thank you for being so much more eloquent about this than I am.

Zarban wrote:

SS: She (misguidedly) sets Snape's robes on fire. She figures out most of the mystery. She immobilizes Neville. She beats the plant guardian and the potions challenge.

CoS: She creates the polyjuice potion. She solves the mystery despite being paralyzed for months.

PoA: She punches Draco in the nose. She fights by Harry's side in the Shrieking Shack. She fixes everything with the time turner.

GoF: She helps Harry with the challenges. She keeps Victor Krum from winning the tournament that he is clearly best suited for by distracting him with--one assumes--blowjobs.

OotP: She starts Dumbledore's Army. She tricks Umbridge into going into the forest. She fights by Harry's side in the Ministry of Magic.

HBP: She mostly gives Harry bad advice but does help fight off the Death Eaters in the school at the end.

DH: She does all the prep and most of the advanced spell-casting and potion-making. She fights by Harry's side repeatedly.

Shit, how did I forget the Time Turner? This is what comes of typing responses whilst working on English papers. tongue

You know, I'll concede this one. I'm still not going to say that Ron is useless, but Hermione far outstrips him. I guess my dislike of her compared to him tends to bias me.

Zarban wrote:

Your 4 examples come from the first book and the last book. Merry & Pippin bring the ents, light the signal fire to bring the Riders of Rohan, and help Eowyn kill the Witch-King, three of the most important events in the story.

I had forgotten the ents. Your point, good sir.

Zarban wrote:

And Hermione doesn't do a whole lot? What do you mean? She has the answer to everything and casts nearly all the spells outside of fights. Except for the fact that she has all the courage of a little old lady, one could rationally argue that Harry and Ron are HER sidekicks.

She knows the answer to a lot of stuff, but as far as actually doing too much...

SS: She would never have figured out Flamel if Harry hadn't remembered his chocolate frog card. She beats one challenge in the end, same as Ron.

CoS: Yes, this one is important—finding the Basilisk.

PoA: Doesn't really do anything. She figures out Lupin's a werewolf, but doesn't tell anyone, rendering the information useless.

GoF: Helps Harry with Summoning Charms.

OotP: Uses Rita to get Harry his interview.


DH: Basically handles all of their packing and transportation, has the idea to go to Lovegood's, saves Harry from Nagini, saves them at the Lovegoods'.

She definitely does more than Ron, particularly in the last book, where she definitely is the most useful one of the three, so I should reword my statement that she doesn't "Do a whole lot." However, she still doesn't do an overly incredible amount compared to Ron. And without Ron, Harry could have fallen in with Malfoy, and never would have known Ginny or Fred and George.

Zarban wrote:

Regardless, you'd be hard-pressed to find a more useless sidekick in all of fiction.

I wouldn't call him useless—knocking out a mountain troll, getting them past the chess game, destroying the locket, figuring out how to destroy Hufflepuff's cup, etc. etc. Compare that to, say, Merry and Pippin? I agree that he doesn't do much compared to Harry, but Hermione really doesn't do a whole lot either.

Doctor Submarine wrote:

I forgot how funny these books were. Most of the wittiest lines went over my head when I was younger. If the movies are missing anything (especially the later ones) it's Rowling's sense of humor.

That's why I hate what Kloves did with Ron's character--he had so many good lines in the books, and in the films that's shoved aside to give Hermione more screentime. For instance, arguably the funniest moment of the whole series is in the first book, when Hermione's losing her head about not being able to start a fire with no wood, and Ron bellows "HAVE YOU GONE MAD? ARE YOU A WITCH OR NOT?" And in the film, the moment is completely reversed so that Hermione keeps her head, Ron is a panicky coward, and there's no humor whatsoever.

Just one more week, you guys.

Faldor wrote:

I don't get the love the Half Blood Prince and not-love for Order Of The Phoenix

If you're referring to the books, I totally agree; OOTP is my second-favorite. The film, though, is pretty bloody awful. Umbridge's casting was perfection, but otherwise...

Just finished Goblet in my pre-marathon re-read of the whole series. I had completely forgotten Ludo Bagman existed. Now all I can think of is that he should've been in the film and played by Stephen Fry.

Curious, and someone had to ask it: how do you guys rank the books/films? My rankings are:

Books                                        Films
7. Chamber of Secrets           8. Order of the Phoenix
6. Philosopher's Stone           7. Goblet of Fire
5. Half-Blood Prince              6. Deathly Hallows Part 2
4. Prisoner of Azkaban           5. Half-Blood Prince
3. Goblet of Fire                   4. Philosopher's Stone
2. Order of the Phoenix          3. Deathly Hallows Part 1
1. Deathly Hallows                2. Chamber of Secrets
                                         1. Prisoner of Azkaban