(152 replies, posted in Episodes)

Hahah, well I am hearing "fresh" content from Teague, Chris and "accomplished film maker, visual effects artist, animator and puppeteer, Mr. Trey Stokes " (not yet The Amazing), so I can't complain.


(152 replies, posted in Episodes)

I just finished Geekza episode one: the talkshoe test. I hope you're happy Teague.


(152 replies, posted in Episodes)

Thank you!

While I regret my lack of involvement in the forum in the 3ish years that I've been listening, I couldn't let this opportunity to thank you slip by.

In that weird way that the Internet can allow (if you're lucky), you guys truly have been friends in my head. Even if I haven't taken an active role in the conversation, for hundreds and hundreds of hours, you've kept me company in both tough times and great times. 

There are many things I want to express about all of you and the amazing podcast you've produced, but I'll err on the side of brevity and instead just say it again: thank you.

I will greatly miss regular episodes, but will look forward to the rare occasions when you have to fire the mics up again *cough*Star Wars*cough*.