Topic: Thank you for creating this website.
I just found this site yesterday, and I love it. I have become addicted to watching movies with commentary tracks. Watching a movie multiple times commits it pretty securely in my memory, and seeing a film with commentaries, whether it be from the filmmakers themselves or somebody else, gives it more re-watchability for me. Also, I love movies, and the experience of going to movies, but none of my friends like to discuss pictures indepth the way I do. This site has given me an outlet for that geekyness, and I really appreciate that. So thank you for taking time to make these commentaries on movies that I just happen to love to watch, and others that are so fun to rag on. I look forward to visiting here on a regular basis, and watching more movies with you. Thank you.
Last edited by FireFighter214 (2010-03-09 08:42:30)
"You sucking is canon!" -Brian