Topic: Turtles in town

For some odd reason, they're filming scenes of the next Ninja Turtle movie here in Buffalo. The 33, also known as the Kensington, is being closed after 7PM for the next week so they can shoot. All I can figure out is they like the canyon effect. They built the stupid thing right through the center of existing neighborhoods, dropping it down twenty feet as if that would make it have less of an impact. So, there's lots of places where things can drop down on cars. Today the crew was putting up traffic signals. It's a limited access highway, so are they going to have CG intersections? Makes perfect sense.

I write stories! With words!

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Re: Turtles in town

Any chance someone can put up this sign near the location?

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Re: Turtles in town

Invid wrote: in Buffalo. The 33, also known as the Kensington...

Buffalo '33 is a terrible prequel.

Disclaimer: if you dislike the tone of a post I make, re-read it in a North/East London accent until it sounds sufficiently playful smile

Re: Turtles in town

Herc wrote:
Invid wrote: in Buffalo. The 33, also known as the Kensington...

Buffalo '33 is a terrible prequel.

But the director doesn't hate his hometown smile

I write stories! With words!

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