Re: The Lost World

Don't worry, we come up with a way better idea at the end.

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: The Lost World

Ooh, I eagerly await then

EDIT: Battle: SD is actually genius.

Last edited by gzarra (2011-08-10 22:42:44)

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Re: The Lost World

Gregory Harbin wrote:
Zarban wrote:

Also, it's okay to pronounce foreign names with your native accent, but not to just pretend the foreign name is an English word—so /stor-MAR-ay/.

The Japanese call him Peetaa Sutohmayah, so, I think there's people to complain about before coming after America.

...which is probably *more* accurate, especially since Swedish accenting is much more similar to Japanese accenting, in that there is not a big phat "emphasis" on some syllable like English speakers insists to append to our names/words, all three syllables in "Stor-ma-re" has the same emphasis, with a very light additional emphasis to "Stor"... but light, damnit, light.  [Also, the "R" lives in the last syllable, so for Zarban style (spoken in "English" but pronounced with correctl syllable splittage and emphasis), it would actually be more like "STORE-may-re"]

This is actually the main reason I'm known as Zap - the English speakers complete inability to properly pronounce my name (or even spell it, since it contains an "å"). It's that combined with the "å" not surviving original 7 bit email the way it was back in the 80's I never actually use my "real" name anywhere, and nobody but my mom actually uses it smile


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Re: The Lost World

Alright, from now on his name is Peter Zap. Problem solved.

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Re: The Lost World

But now I shall call MasterZap "MasterZangstromp"!

Warning: I'm probably rewriting this post as you read it.

Zarban's House of Commentaries

Re: The Lost World

What made the first movie fascinating to me as a kid was the science.  The movie was a springboard into the books.  The ideas in Crichton's novels had legs and were a point of intellectual/scientific reference for me up to the age of around 17.  Sad as it is, I got a lot out of it.  The meaty ideas are hardly touched on in the JP1. 

Ideally, JP2 would have been a reboot with directing and screenwriting reigns handed over to, of all people, Christopher Nolan.  Not much of a fan but he is perfectly equipped to craft a Jurassic Park sequel I would like to see. Lofty theory and debate and moments of dinosaurific consequence.

Since that will never happen, Spielberg's King Kong cum Dinosaurs works well enough.

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