Sam F wrote:2. I'm currently working on a DIY 3-axis motorized camera slider (pan, tilt, slide) for motion time lapse projects. It'll be run with a Raspberry Pi and controlled with a custom iOS app via Bluetooth LE. It's a pretty hefty project for me, involving math, computer science, mechanics, and electronics. Needless to say, I'm learning a ton! I'll probably make a post about it in the 'Creations' section when I'm closer to being finished.
Hah,awesome! I actually suggested this to Teague as a Pi project, I'd be really interested in seeing a work in progress and how you're doing it!
Thanks! Once I'm finished I definitely want to do a full write-up of all the tech I've used and learned about, and how everything works together. So maybe I'll start a thread during the development process (which has been intermittent for the past 9 months) where I can post progress videos and stuff like that. Maybe I'll list updates on what I've done and what I still have to work out. That would be useful for me personally, so I can keep my head around what I'm doing; and maybe those who are more scientifically inclined could provide suggestions . I'm not taking summer classes so I'm trying to get it all done before the fall.
I don't have time to get that thread going right now, so I'll give you a look at what I was working on tonight.