Hey. First topic post here! I've just read a bit of the Iron Giant subject thread, and saw some mentions of tears and stuff. It's also mentioned in the commentary.
Which got me wondering about all of you fine, tough, strong people in this community:
What are movies that make you cry?
For me, it's really hard to move me to the point of tears. I'm never resistant to crying in front of people, really. Doesn't bother me when it happens. But it takes a lot to move me like that.
Some movies can just do it.
I tear up a bit at the end of the Return of the King (the second-to-last ending with the ship), and the Lego Movie gets me similarly when the kid is basically telling his dad that he's the coolest person on the planet (I have some minor dad-issues).
But, oh man, the one movie that really gets me is Alfonso Cuaron's (yep!) A Little Princess, which is an excellent movie even if you're not little or a princess. Run! Don't walk.
So how about it, guys? Movies that make you cry? Particularly for reasons that may only make sense to you?