Re: SD Shadowrun: Scheduling
Wow, lucky, since I totally blanked on this at the last moment. As of five I remembered, then forgot by seven.
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Wow, lucky, since I totally blanked on this at the last moment. As of five I remembered, then forgot by seven.
Well I'm glad I could say what we were all thinking
All good for today?
Okay. Here's the sitch.
I'm having to move to 5 days a week at the retail gig. Which means my tuesdays and wednesdays evenings are now permanently shot, which means I'm down to one day a week in which I can have meetings and plan stuff with people, which is...uh..baaad. Also, Bullskit is now starting up again, and the majority of our shoots, by the necessity of their scheduling, have to take place on mondays.
So what I'm saying, is if you guys want to keep going on mondays, rock on brothers, Whisp will be there when he can. If not, we can talk about moving to a weekend evening (My tues, wed, thurs are all permanently shot, Fridays are a hit or miss depending on meetings/ Bullskit shows. So the weekend really becomes the only option for me (And even then, at least one saturday a month will be a no-go). I wish I could say we could just go to every other week or something like that and all would be well, but so much of this scheduling is last minute or random, that I really can't say when/if I'll be able to make it out.
So anyways, let me know what you guys think, I'd hate for this to fall apart cause of me, but my life is going completely haywire right now, so if Whisp has to take a leave of absence, so be it.
I'm typically available Sunday evenings. I'd hate to lose you BDA.
Alright, well I'm still good for tomorrow. But the monday after that I'm definitely not. So we can get the bank heist finished up tomorrow if everyone else is still good (Although I'm not sure how much Whisp actually has to do in the actual bank heist, y'all seem to have it pretty much covered).
EDIT: Or we we taking a break this week cause Boter's off makin movies?
I hope we're doing the heist tomorrow, and Whisper is kind of important since he's the one doing the actual escort. Burnout is actually the least necessary character since he's the wheel man. Dave is the inside man, Shadowhawk will be altering video feeds to allow Whisper and Code Goblin to sneak through the bank and access the vault room. But Whisper is the only one that is actually going to be in there illegally doing heisty stuff.
Also I can do Sundays.
Last edited by Kal Spiro (2015-09-21 00:23:21)
I thought this was pure escort, get the dude in, he plants the partial penny code and we get out. Are we literally robbing the actual bank at the same time?
I thought we were skipping this week, so I've got some other plans during the evening, so if we want to play we'd have to start later, like ~7pm. I'm willing to stay up late though.
I thought we were skipping a week too (? or was that 2 weeks ago? time has lost all meaning).
Yeah no Im just an idiot and way overloaded. We were skipping this week. And Im not available next week.
Even still. I think were doing better than most rpg groups
For sure, considering our different timezones and jobs and whatnot, we're doing just fine
We're doing way better than my last group with Boter, we got to the point of skipping whole months.
As for the plan, it is a pure escort mission, we're not robbing the bank, though I'm not against it. It's just that the escort is happening inside the guarded bank and you're going to be the only one in there, other than Herc, who will be a guard helping you as best he can without blowing his cover. The place he has to plant the code, however, is in a room inside the vault area just off from one of the two security rooms. So you have to get through, and get him through, the bank, the vault area, and the security room without any of the guards seeing or the whole heist falls apart.
Though, I'm thinking that in that event plan B is that we legit rob the bank.
Last edited by Kal Spiro (2015-09-21 21:37:47)
BDA's not available next week, same with me, I'm open again after that. Hopefully we can at least get through this heist, then after that we'll figure out the scheduling.
Also I can absolutely do Sunday nights if that's what works out for everyone.
Also, we should all be there for it. Because if someone doesn't show, and the heist goes bad, I'm gonna accuse the absentee of pulling a Waingro...
I am unfamiliar with that reference, but it sounds undesirable.
Tonight, yes?
Me: No
Boter: No
Shadow: ?
Spiro: ?
Ah, you're right! I didn't see Boter's post.
Probably for the best. I have a lot to do this week.
Come on Herc, you and me. No stealth, no one to watch Code Goblin, no get away car. We got this!
I am so down for next week finally. Might even be caught up on sleep by th haaaaaa yeah right.
I'm good for tomorrow. But I've got to be done by 9 my time, so hopefully the heist is wrapped up by then, or Whisp might have to duck out a bit early
I can control Whisp, I am clearly the best one to do so. (Please no.)
I'm down for tomorrow! Excited to do this thing.
My body is ready.
(Side note: posts cannot contain only capital letters.)
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