(11 replies, posted in Episodes)

When Ghostbusters 2 came out it was playing in the hotel I was staying at (the hotel was the local cinema) and if you stayed at the hotel you got to go in for free.  We stayed at the hotel for 7 nights, I went and watched Ghostbusters 2 six out of those seven nights.

I was twelve, I did not know better.

As for Ghostbusters... I had the story on a cassette tape which came with a readalong book (when I was even younger). I did not see the film Ghostbusters until waaaaay after I had seen the second one.


(34 replies, posted in Off Topic)

The only version of a Christmas Carol that is worth watching. The Muppets one of course!  I have watched that every year without fail.


(21 replies, posted in Episodes)

I have never watched the HP films before, or read the book. I am watching them then listening to the episodes. 
I found the character of Dobby very very annoying.  I am not sure what it is, I really do not know, he just grinds my gears.  I really hope that I get "used" to him as the series goes on.


(22 replies, posted in Movie Stuff)

Only if the next Bond movie involves zombies does this all come back together.

I would be there opening night to watch that film!   smile


(22 replies, posted in Movie Stuff)

I disagree actually.  The review has prompted discussion on the merits, or not, of shaky cam action in movies. If it spirals more it could have its own thread.


(22 replies, posted in Movie Stuff)

Can anyone name a film where shaky cam action actually works well?  The Bourne films maybe? I have not seen them in a while so cannot say for sure.


(22 replies, posted in Movie Stuff)

...I quite like Moonraker

I have to say I also a soft spot for it. The music is outstanding, and the visual effects at the end are amazing.


(22 replies, posted in Movie Stuff)

The action sequences in  Quantum were awful, not Bondian at all. The best thing about Bond is seeing the amazing stunt work on show. The action in WWZ is still shaky cam, not as bad as Quantum but still pretty wobbly.


(22 replies, posted in Movie Stuff)

A good review, thank you.   

I quite liked this movie as a brainless (eh!) Saturday night popcorn flick.  I mainly watched it as part of it was filmed in Glasgow, Scotland where I used to live near (it was the first "action" scene at the beginning where they get out of the car).  I will not be rushing to the cinema to see the sequel when it comes out but I will definitely catch it on DVD.


(135 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Let's also be clear: this wasn't a one off passion project that Shia uploaded for feedback.  This thing played at Cannes in 2012.

Sorry, yes that is a very good point.


(135 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Trouble with all this is that he is probably getting a lot more publicity and views of his film from all this controversy.  "There is no such thing as bad publicity".


(21 replies, posted in Episodes)

This episode isn't showing up on iTunes.

Not showing for me either in iTunes.  Works fine on my phone thankfully. Flaming iTunes.

Edit: Sorry - does NOT work on my phone. I forgot I downloaded it and transferred it across.


(100 replies, posted in Off Topic)

I think Deep Rising is a better example of that kind of film, it's more playful and I think it suits it better.

I LOVE Deep Rising. Such an awesomely bad great terrible entertaining movie.


(2,068 replies, posted in Off Topic)

I watched Deep Blue Sea. A film with dodgy sharks playing Die Hard in water. What is not to like?? You guys should do this film.

I am British and therefore required by law like beer so this film appealed to me. I loved the first three quarters of this film, the fight scenes are well done where I could see what was going on, and the humour was my cup of tea!    I was not a fan of the ending, maybe if I see it again I will change my mind.   Shaun of the Dead is by far my favourite of the three in the trilogy, but that is not a hard choice.

Oh, and go watched Spaced now. Go on. now.


(100 replies, posted in Off Topic)

When I watched the trailer for this the first thing that crossed my mind was Independence Day. A really cool trailer, but let down by a CGI-fest that lacks any meaty substance.  I am always up for giving a film a chance so we will see.


(469 replies, posted in Episodes)

Not sure if you are aware but on the website on the right hand blurb for any episode, the Share, Tweet and G+1 buttons all reference downinfront.net.   Sorry, if this has been mentioned. I just noticed it now whilst browsing around! Cheers.


(13 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Oceans 11: How did they get the substitute leaflets that are used to simulate the money into the vault in the first place?


(431 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Yes, Geneva is in the French speaking part but the reason my French is SO bad is because most people speak English and when I go into a shop or need to speak to someone they always come back at me in English. The happens 70% of the time.

Valais is a cracking area, we are actually going there this weekend to a place called Leukerbad, am really looking forward to it.


(9 replies, posted in Episodes)

I remember being in Stornoway for a week whilst we looked for a house up there (North West Scotland). I was quite young (11 or 12 maybe) at the time and the hotel had a small cinema in it which you could go to for free if you were staying there.  I went every night for 6, yes, six, nights. I LOVED it.  I saw the film recently, its "okay", not brilliant, not pants, but just okay.


(431 replies, posted in Off Topic)

I kind of wish I could say I was a Swede living here in Switzerland but I am actually British. Well, Welsh, if you want to be pedantic!  My French is merde, but I am trying to learn it as fast as I can.


(431 replies, posted in Off Topic)


My name is Dorian, I live just outside Geneva in Switzerland. I am a part time self employed computer programmer and part time stay at home dad.

Currently working my way through the back catalogue of episodes, should keep me going for a while! My favourite so far is the 2010 Moby Dick episode as it was very interesting to hear everyone's tales of working on it, especially Trey.

I am a fan of all genres of film, and look forward to being here on the boards.

Thanks for all your hard work guys.