Re: Dubious musical taste.

I'm not sure I can put this under the umbrella of dubious as they are my favourite band. Local band I've followed for about 20 odd years.   

They were inspiration for me making stupid shit like this


Last edited by Regan (2015-03-12 20:05:10)

The difficult second album Regan

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

The Monkees, of all people, recorded the greatest song ever about a failed suicide .

Disclaimer: if you dislike the tone of a post I make, re-read it in a North/East London accent until it sounds sufficiently playful smile

Re: Dubious musical taste.

Wait for a Minute - tUnE-yArDs

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Eluvium is a guy who makes ambient music. He mixes different approaches to it, but every once in a while, he just goes with a simple piano track. And this particular one, I can't get enough of. If I want to listen to something soothing that makes me forget about everything, I'll go straight with Caroling. It's so simple, and yet it's one of the most beautiful piano pieces I've ever heard.

Sébastien Fraud
Instagram |Facebook

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Hudson Mohawke. Scottish.

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Lamer wrote:

Electro swing cool

Bump or something. Just spent almost half an hour searching for this gem before I realized I first found this here.

DEAR FUTURE HERC: That electro-swing track you really like is Gimme That Swing by Cissie Redgwick.

Disclaimer: if you dislike the tone of a post I make, re-read it in a North/East London accent until it sounds sufficiently playful smile

Re: Dubious musical taste.

So, if any of you are familiar with Serj Tankian then you might be aware of his new(ish) project which is...jazz?

Last edited by fireproof78 (2015-09-29 02:35:47)

God loves you!

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

The internet at it's most internet-y.

And by god it's amazing.



Re: Dubious musical taste.

Discovered that last month. Pretty fantastic. I was listening to mashups with my boss on the way home from our shoot tonight, wish I'd remembered this one. Though The Final Countdown x Smells Like Teen Spirit was pretty damn good.


Boter, formerly of TF.N as Boter and DarthArjuna. I like making movies and playing games, in one order or another.

Re: Dubious musical taste.

I've always liked this mashup myself:

"ShadowDuelist is a god."
        -Teague Chrystie

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Been on a bit of a Ylvis kick the last couple days, figured I should post a couple of favorites.


Re: Dubious musical taste.

Probably one of my favorite covers I've ever heard. This is incredible.


Re: Dubious musical taste.

the new Roly Porter album is kicking my ass.

Sonically of course

Last edited by JessicaMonroe (2016-02-07 05:46:26)

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Hamilton.  All of Hamilton.  My favorites thus far.

and this AWESOME John Adams diss track that never made it to the final show.

Eddie Doty

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Fuck it, have some more.

This is Aaron Burr singing about the woman he wants to marry. 

Jefferson coming back from France after the war.

Washington selecting Hamilton to be his aide.

Eddie Doty

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Someone posted the electro-swing track Gimme That Swing a while back. BDA posted Lone Digger by Caravan Palace on his Twitter and got me back into it and I put a Pandora station together.

This took me entirely by surprise.

Boter, formerly of TF.N as Boter and DarthArjuna. I like making movies and playing games, in one order or another.


Re: Dubious musical taste.

Dying battery + car alarm + phat beats = Friday jam.

Extended version on Soundcloud.

Boter, formerly of TF.N as Boter and DarthArjuna. I like making movies and playing games, in one order or another.

Re: Dubious musical taste.

From the guy that brought you I'm An Albatroaz...

I love AronChupa's style. So good.

Not something I'd usually listen to, but the song is solid through and through and I'm so glad Rick is still making stuff.

Last edited by BigDamnArtist (2016-04-08 23:37:47)



Re: Dubious musical taste.

BigDamnArtist wrote:

From the guy that brought you I'm An Albatroaz...

I love AronChupa's style. So good.

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country." Don't see that in the States much.

Boter, formerly of TF.N as Boter and DarthArjuna. I like making movies and playing games, in one order or another.

Re: Dubious musical taste.

So today I discovered Hugh Laurie has a blues album. This fuckin guy man.


Re: Dubious musical taste.

He has two. I'm a big fan. I've seen him live a few years ago and I had the time of my life. I think music is his first love, and I wish people would stop associating him with House, because his talent shows much more with music and his British comedy years.

Also if y'all ain't doing it already, listen to Seasick Steve. Country blues rockin' with homemade instruments, a long-ass beard and a damn fine voice that has more range than you'd expect from this former hobo. I can't get enough of it, his music wakes me up and gets me groovin'. He also makes so great ballads. It's basically a banjo and guitar lovefest.

Last edited by Saniss (2016-04-10 13:41:14)

Sébastien Fraud
Instagram |Facebook

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

It's so bizarre because I have a really hard time thinking of Hugh Laurie as House. House is just such a separate unique thing apart from my understanding of Hugh Laurie that he's basically a different person.

Hugh Laurie will always be this guy to me:




Re: Dubious musical taste.

Can't believe I haven't said it before: Gillian Welch is a goddess.

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Be'lakor has a new album approaching, so for those who like Metal it might be interesting. Sounds absolutely sublime:

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

"Right, right, I get that you're not a fan of bagpipes. But what if we added a didgeridoo?"


Boter, formerly of TF.N as Boter and DarthArjuna. I like making movies and playing games, in one order or another.