A psychological slasher/horror thriller.
Some kids come back to a friends lodge in the mountains, on the anniversary of said friend's twin sisters passing last year, to have one last huzzah.
Needless to say, it doesn't exactly end well.
It's set up more or less like a teenage horror flick, where you get to choose more or less the exact outcome of the characters. Ever been baffled that a character did x instead of y? Choose y and see what happens.
Hits all the right vibes, all the correct tropes, complete with jump scares and creepy crawlers, and has a brilliant cast, consisting of, amongst others, Hayden Panetierre and Peter Stormare.
I'm not even done with my first play through, but I am loving the shit out of this game.
In other news, I completed the main storyline of Assassins's Creed Vic-, ahem, Syndicate a couple of days ago, and I gotta say, anything's better than Unity, but Syndicate was a genuinely good experience. The bugs and problems from Unity were thankfully absent, the story is much more engaging, without punching the same cliches as other entries, with appealing protagonists(they're twins), and a pretty cool antagonist to boot. London in the late 1860's is beautiful, if not too sunny, and the grappling hook and horse coaches are welcome additions to the franchise. A solid 8/10, where "Black Flag" and "Assassin's Creed 2" both get perfect 10's.