Topic: Pick the Big Six

Alrighty, we've whittled it down to 18 movies. You guys pick 6 of them. (Khan, then 6, then LOTR.)

We're gonna do preferential balloting, that is to say, of these 18, put your top 6 in order. You're casting a preference vote, all of your movies gain points based on how high you put them on your list. When we close the polling, we'll add up how many points all the movies have. The one with the most, all the way down to the one with the sixth-most, are the movies we do.

1. Movie 1 (6 points)
2. Movie 2 (5 points)
3. Movie 3 (4 points)
4. Movie 4 (3 points)
5. Movie 5 (2 points)
6. Movie 6 (1 point)

So, here they are. Pick your favorite six from this list and put them in order. We'll close the polling on Thursday.

Batman Returns (Trey worked on it)
The Dark Knight
American Beauty
Lethal Weapon
The Last Airbender
My Favorite Martian (Trey worked on it)
Transformers 3
Cowboys & Aliens
The Happening
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Citizen Kane
The Wizard of Oz 
Super 8
Battlefield Earth

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: Pick the Big Six

1. The Dark Knight
2. Kick-Ass
3. Transformers 3
4. Who Framed Roger Rabbit
5. The Happening
6. Battlefield Earth

"Most people don't even know what sysadmins do, but trust me, if they all took a lunch break at the same time they wouldn't make it to the deli before you ran out of bullets protecting your canned goods from roving bands of mutants."


Re: Pick the Big Six

I don't want you guys to suffer, (well, at least not too much), so I'll try to balance the good with the bad.

1.) Transformers 3

2.) The Last Airbender

3.) The Dark Knight

4.) The Happening

5.) Citizen Kane

6.) Close Encounters

Last edited by Doctor Submarine (2012-01-09 13:52:38)

"The Doctor is Submarining through our brains." --Teague

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Re: Pick the Big Six

1. The Dark Knight
2. Airbender
3. Transformers 3
4. Lethal Weapon
5. Wizard of Oz
6. Battlefield Earth

Or, take all those points and give them to Godfather.

Last edited by oTom (2012-01-08 04:54:20)

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Re: Pick the Big Six

1.) Citizen Kane (a much-needed injection of golden age cinema to DIF) wink
2.) Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (so much good to talk about)
3.) Kick-Ass (would love to hear - presumably varied opinions)
4.) Batman Returns (only if you talk about Michelle Pfeiffer for all two hours and nothing else)
5.) The Dark Knight (it has to happen sometime, right?  ...and because Lank has a gun to my head)
6.) Cowboys & Aliens (only to hear everyone shit all over this awful movie)

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Re: Pick the Big Six

I want to hear more rants.
1. The Happening
2. Transformers 3
3. The Last Airbender
4. Cowboys and Aliens
5. Super 8
6. The Dark Knight

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Re: Pick the Big Six

1.) Battlefield Earth
2.) The Wizard of Oz
3.) Batman Returns
4.) The Dark Knight
5.) Close Encounters of the Third Kind
6.) The Last Airbender


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Re: Pick the Big Six

1. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
2. Super 8
3. The Wizard of Oz
4. Citizen Kane
5. Batman Returns
6. The Dark Knight

Last edited by Owen_Ward (2012-01-09 07:23:46)

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Re: Pick the Big Six

1 Who Framed Roger Rabbit? - how could i not
2 Super 8 - umm i liked it, conversation could be interesting
3 Cowboys & Aliens - this is what not to do
4 The Last Airbender - lends to so much hate and "we can fix it"
5 My Favorite Martian (Trey worked on it)
6 Transformers 3 - the masochist want to complete the set

See what I've worked on recently here:
And ways to get in touch with me at:

Re: Pick the Big Six

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Citizen Kane
The Wizard of Oz
Batman Returns
My Favorite Martian

Last edited by paulou (2012-01-08 01:35:47)

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Re: Pick the Big Six

Glad that you're allowing us to give our opinion on what movies should be done before the shake up that DiF will be going through after March 10th.  Most of the options were difficult to narrow down but for the most part I was able to list them and here it is.

1)  The Dark Knight
2)  Transformers 3 (Mostly since if would be completely the series)
3)  Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
4)  My Favorite Martian (We've gotten some commetiares for movies that Trey has worked on and this would be nice addtion to the list)
5)  Battlefield Earth (A guilty pleasure movie that I like to watch every once and a while)
6)  Super 8

Would like to see Kick-Ass since you guys were actually doing a commentary on it but was left incomplete do to technically difficulties.  Lethal Weapon BARELY missed being added but mostly because of the other things you had.

Hopefully you keep the other movies that won't make the list in consideration to do commentaries in the future.  There are just some there that shouldn't be ignored.

Just curious, but has a start time been determined on when the LotR marathon will be happening on 3/10?

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Re: Pick the Big Six

1.Citizen Kane 
2. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
3. The Dark Knight
4. Super 8
5. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
6. Cowboys & Aliens

"Life is about movies; anything else is a bonus!"- Me   cool

Re: Pick the Big Six

1. Super 8
2. The Dark Knight
3. Transformers 3
4. The Happening
5. The Last Airbender (did Mike not work on it?)
6. Batman Returns

Posted from my iPad

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Re: Pick the Big Six

farley22 wrote:

Just curious, but has a start time been determined on when the LotR marathon will be happening on 3/10?

No, but it'll probably be around 10 or 11 a.m. PST.

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: Pick the Big Six

1. Close Enconters
2. Kick Ass
3. The Dark Knight
4.Lethal Weapon
5. The Happening
6. Super 8

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Re: Pick the Big Six

1. Transformers 3 (really enjoyed the first 2 commentaries, hope something worthwhile can be found from the 3rd)
2. Dark Knight (yeah I want to hear about the Transformers film more than the Batman film, but what're you gonna do?)
3. Kick-Ass (kinda mixed about this film, wanna know if you all think it's too mean spirited)
4. Last Airbender (another reason you don't give a fast paced action movie to a man known for slow-paced somber films)
5. Citizen Kane (I saw it once, liked it a lot, but don't completely get why it's considered the world's greatest movie)
6. Cowboys & Aliens (I remember liking this when I saw it, but it had a very Independence Day feel about it)

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Re: Pick the Big Six

alrighty then!

here's my list

1: Unforgiven (You guys need to do one western before you hit LOTR)
2: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Just want to hear everyone's thoughts on probably Speilberg's best flick)
3: Cowboys vs. Aliens (Trey said that CVA had everything wrong going on in that movie,  You guys tend to do the better comm when you do a movie like this or Surrogates.)
4: The Dark Knight (You must talk about the awful bat-voice)
5: Who Framed Roger Rabbit (I think you guys have only done one Zemekis Flick)
6: Batman Returns (Trey's stories are entertaining)

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Re: Pick the Big Six

Gregory Harbin wrote:

5. The Last Airbender (did Mike not work on it?)

The gentleman will answer the question!

"The Doctor is Submarining through our brains." --Teague

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Re: Pick the Big Six

1. The Dark Knight
2. Batman Returns
3. Super 8
4. Lethal Weapon
5. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
6. American Beauty

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Re: Pick the Big Six

switch wrote:

1: Unforgiven

Well damn, finally some love for Unforgiven.    After I spent months literally demanding the rest of the panel see it, and then to have everyone agree to put it on the big six contender list... I do and do for you kids, and this is the thanks I get?

Not only have we never done a Western (no, I don't count Wild Wild West) we've never done a goddam Clint Eastwood film of any kind.  That's a glaring omission, and more deserving of a slot than just pissing on yet another Transformers movie.

There's nothing in the rules that says we can't campaign, so I'm doing it.  Unforgiven FTW!

switch wrote:

5: Who Framed Roger Rabbit (I think you guys have only done one Zemekis Flick)

We've done two, but still a fair point - two Zemeckis movies is a pretty low number for someone so influential.

Last edited by Trey (2012-01-07 23:34:07)

Re: Pick the Big Six

Ooh, so exciting!

1. Lethal Weapon (another classic action movie to add to the collection)
2. Unforgiven (beautiful and brutal film, glad you've got this on your list!)
3. Transformers 3 (shooting fish in a barrel!)
4. The Dark Knight
5. American Beauty (I like Road to Perdition more, but this was a great movie)
6. Batman Returns

I confess I've not even seen most of the rest!

By the way, at this moment, Dark Knight is well ahead (63 points), followed by Transformers 3 and Who Framed the Stupid Rabbit? (33 each), Super 8 (30), and then Close Encounters and Citizen Kane (22)*. Come on guys, are you really going to make me watch Citizen Kane again?
*that is, unless I've forked up!

Last edited by redxavier (2012-01-07 23:56:45)

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. - Carl Sagan

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Re: Pick the Big Six

(1) Unforgiven
(2) Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
(3) Transformers 3
(4) The Dark Knight
(5) Batman Returns
(6) Lethal Weapon

Last edited by Fido (2012-01-07 23:57:06)

Jason doesn't teleport.

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Re: Pick the Big Six

1. The Dark Knight
2. Kick Ass
3. My Favorite Martian
4. The Wizard of OZ
5. The Last Airbender
6. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

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Re: Pick the Big Six

1) Citizen Kane
2) American Beauty
3) Close Encounters of the Third Kind
4) The Wizard of Oz 
5) Kick-Ass
6) Unforgiven

Re: Pick the Big Six

Trey is stacking the decks! Mad with power!

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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