There are a lot of things being said in very general ways here.
bullet3 wrote:I have a serious problem with it when you then post that online (often-times on piratebay), and start promoting it and making it about yourself, and stupid discussions start up about what the "best" fan-edit is for a particular movie, and whatnot.
Your hostility suggests you are not a member of this subculture and you are making assumptions. The best way to distribute a fanedit is by file-sharing (as opposed to post or whatever). There is also not a single illegal thing happening when you share such a file with a small group, not for profit (in the USA, at least). By it's very nature, a re-cut is a transformative act and protected. Discussions about a 'best' edit are a bit tiring but usually it is someone looking to see what an edit could do for a movie they enjoy and they want a recommendation for where to start. People who have seen several edits of a movie do not generally, in my experience, waste pages of forums debating which is superior.
bullet3 wrote:I think that's very disrespectful to the filmmakers and editors who busted their asses to make the movie they made.
bullet3 wrote:It's different because you're explicitly fucking with someone's art and redistributing it with your name attached against their will.
Listen to Trey more often. There are reasons for why decisions are made. They are not all good, but there are reasons. The 'art' doesn't always turn out as desired. A "Director's Cut' exists for many movies because the studio wanted one thing and the Director wanted something else. By your logic, future George Lucas is insulting past George Lucas by editing the movies he busted his ass to make. Spielberg too. Young George Lucas was fervently against colorizing movies and suggested legal action to protect movies from their creators. When the filmmakers themselves edit a movie years after the fact, after they have protested changing movies, I think it is ridiculous to claim it's disrespectful.
As for reasons, take The Hobbit. Jackson originally suggested something very different than what has gone to theater. He reasonable wanted a lower budget and 2 movies. A small couple of movies following closely to the book. For 'reasons', it is now a big budget trilogy of epic scale that has very little of the spirit of the book. Why not edit the trilogy into a couple or single movie? Why not cut the storylines that don't happen in the book? I say cut the dwarf-elf love story that completely negates the significance of the unique dwarf-elf friendship from LotR. Make the escape from the goblins quick instead of showing the highly improbable deaths of 150 goblins; and so on.
Since I don't enjoy the Hobbit movies as they are, maybe I will enjoy a fanedit. And, if a talented person already made one, I want to see it. I would really love to enjoy a Hobbit movie. If it isn't good, that's ok. I don't enjoy the originals, either.
redxavier wrote:Not that I'm against fan edits, I'm already started on the Hobbit.
Good for you. I'm waiting for a good fanedit. As for me, I put the Star Wars prequels into about 2 hours. Not a polished, final cut but I like it anyway. Also, I think you mean "I've already". Careful you don't become the crap editor bullet3 expects. … ition.html
Last edited by Jp12x (2014-09-15 04:01:42)
I post because I care.
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"Feel free to flame me. I don't like Legends of Korra or Gravity, either."