Re: Dubious musical taste.

This is entirely broken fyi.

Re: Dubious musical taste.

These New Puritans are releasing a new album.

This stuff is so far up my alley, it's effectively another organ.

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Bibio. English.

Last edited by Dave (2014-08-06 11:13:34)

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Jackie Onassis. Australian.

Last edited by Dave (2014-08-06 11:14:24)

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Dave wrote:

Pop Will Eat Itself - Dos Dedos Mis Amigos. Political themed early industrial from the UK is pretty hard to pass up.!

One of my ALL TIME favorite industrial albums. What's so strange is how their sound before this was so incredibly different. Like, EMF style poppy dance music different.

"Cape Connection" might be my favorite track from the album:

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Dave wrote:

Knife Party - Australian dubstep.

Y'know, at first, I HATED everything about dubstep. But then I started exploring good dubstep and everything was okay.

Highly recommend Aleksander Vinter (aka Savant). He's one hell of a producer and the sheer amount of high quality shit he puts out is impressive.

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

This is my current favorite and go-to group. I guess you could call it cinematic electronica.

They've done scoring for video games, Tony Scott's Unstoppable and Man on Fire, the new Total Recall, tv shows, movie trailers, car commercials etc. etc. etc., but it's their album work that I love.

Hybrid - Break My Soul

Hybrid - Can You Hear Me

Hybrid - If I Survive

Hybrid - Falling Down

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

I just saw Streetlight Manifesto live and it was hands down the best gig I've ever been to. If you get the chance to check 'em out - do it!

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

DJ Snake. French.

Knife Party. Australian.

R.A. The Rugged Man. American.

Dead Owls. Australian.

Last edited by Dave (2014-08-06 11:17:31)

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

auralstimulation wrote:

This is my current favorite and go-to group. I guess you could call it cinematic electronica.

Nice, reminds me of older D&B. Roni Size.

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Terri Gender Bender's band Le Butcherettes

and her other band Bosnian Rainbows

It's worth mentioning that she is completely insane and insanely fun to watch live.

Last edited by dj_bakerman (2013-05-31 01:03:49)

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

auralstimulation wrote:

Highly recommend Aleksander Vinter (aka Savant). He's one hell of a producer and the sheer amount of high quality shit he puts out is impressive.

That's a bit chiptune/gamewave. Nice.

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Recently rediscovered a band I used to love in high school (and now enjoy even more)

God loves you!

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

For those who love Melo-death or Thrash, here's Sylosis:

These guys are simply amazing.

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Been a fan of theirs for a couple years, that whole album is just so good.

Last edited by JessicaMonroe (2013-06-16 22:10:18)

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

I've had this tune stuck in my head for a while now.

If you dig this, I highly recommend their album 'Better Book Ends'. Also check this out, it's not TLMB but it's the same guy. I could really see this working in a musical or a depressing montage type thing.

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

True Blood had this over it's credits last episode and I fell in love. So damn good.

Video is toooootallly NSFW.


Re: Dubious musical taste.

BigDamnArtist wrote:

True Blood had this over it's credits last episode and I fell in love. So damn good.

Very, very cool. Love the video, too.

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Miracle Of Sound (Youtube channel)

I found this guy a couple days ago and absolutely love his stuff. primarily he does original songs based on video games (and a couple movies), but they aren't the usual style of "Cram as many references as possible into a song cuz lol it's fandomy", they're actual good songs that happen to be about such n' such.

I haven't listened to all of them yet, cause there's a lot. But some are amazing (\/), some are so-so and some are kinda hit or miss depending on how you feel about the game in question.

My favorites are:

and this one's kinda alright-ish, but Portal 2, so it's included.

There's a ton on there for games and stuff I just don't care about, so definitely check out the channel if you're curious.

Last edited by BigDamnArtist (2013-09-09 06:58:45)

Re: Dubious musical taste.

Been addicted to this for the last day and a half. It's like the perfect thing to work too for me. Any leads on more stuff like it would be appreciated smile

Last edited by BigDamnArtist (2013-10-14 11:52:34)

Re: Dubious musical taste.

Suburban Dark. Australian.

I love how stripped this is.

Last edited by Dave (2014-08-06 11:09:28)

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Fettes Brot

German hip hop. Very Beastie Boys, but also a healthy mix of pretty much every other genre you can think of. RIDICULOUSLY talented arrangement and they have a fantastic backing band.

I don't understand a word of it, but it doesn't stop the awesome.


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Re: Dubious musical taste.

Electro swing cool

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