Wow. Knew it had to happen one day, and that that day was probably coming sooner rather than later, but it's still a bit of a shock.
Don't have anything to say really that hasn't been said already. You guys have been responsible for a mind-boggling amount of insightful and interesting content, and I don't think I'll ever be able to watch a film that you did a commentary for without thinking of you. Really wish I'd been able to hang out live on more than a handful of occasions, but hey, we'll always have malaria.
Just a quick personal thank-you to Teague, Brian, Mike and Trey for the Thor commentary, and to Brian specifically for his fantastically clear summary of the concept of the 'through line' just before the 2-hour mark. That's now the phrase I use with my students to explain what I want from their essays, and I quote Brian in my course guide. And the day after Cinco de Mayo will always still be Cinco de Mayo in our household.
Very glad to hear that the forums are continuing, and waiting with bated (and indeed baited) breath for whatever projects are coming next.
Thanks for everything guys!
For the next hour, everything in this post is strictly based on the available facts.