Its just such a relief. He insisted on acting as his own press office, no matter what time it was, and Twitter went along with it like it was totally normal. The paranoia and anxiety of waking up in the morning and scouring the internet for the shit they were doing while the press was chasing the ceaseless bullshit was exhausting. I'm really glad that's over. But that's ALL that's over.
The racists and terrorists are all still here with us and aren't going anywhere. The cops are still All Bastards. The Electoral College will be forgotten then remembered in 4 years. First Past the Post Winner Take All is still a thing. Fucking dental insurance maxes out at $2000 and gets to deny every single claim. There are still MILLIONS of people without health insurance. The PATRIOT act will be renewed again. Alabama and Florida will close all but one polling place for the whole state, while claiming that millions of black people are trying to vote illegally. We will continue to hem and haw over whether or not coal can be "clean". It'll still cost half a million dollars to get a graduate degree while McDo pays you $9.47 an hour to run a modern factory floor by yourself with no benefits.
But at least we're through with the CheapCyberpunkMuselini cosplay. Thank God for that.
Last edited by Beeg (2021-01-20 20:41:16)