Topic: Top Gun: Maverick
I'm still coming down after a little bit of a contact high from just-having-watched-it and thoughts:
Probably the best movie I've seen since mid/post pandemic times - what ever the current state is now with that. Tenet and Bond included. I'm kinda a little blown away by it. Not that its the best movie ever made, but one I don't know how will be beaten for it's rad-ness. 2 Tom 2 Cruises' Top Gun 2 is... TOP FUN.
F18 no green screen is...I dont know how Tom Cruise would top that for bad-ass-ery - stunt-wise. Maybe in space...
Y'know that old chestnut film makers throw about 'we had to endure and overcome some difficult technical challenges making this movie'? This might be the apex of that.
Yes, it's sort of reboot-y/sequal-y laden with 'member berries and a touch sentimental, but it didn't feel cash-grabby or ingenuine. I mean, even the 80's motorbike reprised it's role which made me laugh a little. Back then, it was at the pinacle of bikes, but now, it's a dinosaur. But if the idyll of riding into the sunset in aviators and an airforce jacket with a lady on the back hugging my waiste isn't every bikers dream... (it tracks that I'd focus in on motorbikes in a movie about supersonic jets). I want to be this cool but the reality is a lot of kevlar lined textiles, leather and certified face squishing head safety.
My only hope is they filmed some killer behind the scenes.