ooookay. this week has been a lot. had to sing through some feels.

please enjoy this four-song special (time stamps in the YT description, if you wanna skip around).

Regan wrote:

If you are not a singer by trade, you should be. You’d make a killing. Shut up and take my money.  Release the ‘Latin-Album’ already!

communications specialist by day, amateur singer/musical enthusiast by night. nice to know the LatinAlbum would sell at least one copy wink wanna produce it for me?

my human ear holes are diggin' that beat.

anyone remember that time sondheim wrote a tv musical, based on a john collier story, that starred norman bates and liesl von trapp and was basically an episode of the twilight zone? it's called evening primrose, and it's good. and this is my favourite song from it.

(I am neither metal nor festive; apologies.)

metal yet festive!

*applauds all the musical chaos and joy above me*

*deposits below earnestness*


(353 replies, posted in Off Topic)

I'm catching up with this year's Pulitzer Prize winners & nominees, which led me to Alex Weiser's and all the days were purple. I am...enraptured. the album is contemporary classical and sets Yiddish and English poems to music. the first song "my joy" is aptly titled. give it 20 seconds.

hello I'm back, karaoke makes me feel better in bad times.

honestly didn't have the energy to belt. but whatever, still fun! anyway no one can come near ellen greene on this one.

Suddenly Seymour

today I learned that "Sucker" would be a good song for me to practice. it's in my range. it could sound good if I worked on it. (it sounds okay now, even!)

Sucker - Jonas Brothers

Also, I forgot to mention: Abbie, I greatly enjoyed your triptych of triptychs! I am already a fan of both Rilo Kiley and Anaïs Mitchell, so you'd hooked me from the first.

*heart eyes*

Absolutely beautiful.


(353 replies, posted in Off Topic)


fiona apple listening party. 3pm ET.

Two things:

1) I love seeing poetry in this thread. Haven't finished listening to Four Quartets but thank you Abbie for reading "Instructions"—I love that poem. I'm not even mad you beat me to it.

2) Katelynne, you have an excellent reading voice, and also excellent taste in poems big_smile


(11 replies, posted in Creations)

This is a very practical tool to have in my toolkit, and I thank you for it.


(2,068 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Abbie wrote:

A great becoming. Community born from the ashes of life under capitalism, masquerading as romance born from the ashes of our former selves. As meticulously constructed as Primer, but abandoning that film's cold cerebralism for an elliptical sea of pure emotion and association. A masterpiece now more than ever, and definitive pandemic cinema.

Definitely time for me to give Upstream Color a rewatch, because my reaction at the time was visceral dislike and yet I'm inclined to think it's my kind of film. So. Hoping my present self is at a better place to receive this one.

another in the series of "songs I sing in my kitchen."

I've now seen all four versions of A Star is Born, but there's only one version I've watched four times. cue the judy garland cover:

Someone had to. Thanks for being the one!

What a heckin' banger!!

Absolutely could not get Auden out of my head tonight. And so—a little poetry.

September - Litany - Miracles: Three Poems (15min) - "September 1, 1939" by W.H. Auden; "Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out" by Richard Siken; and "Miracles" by Walt Whitman.

plus something from Mona Awad's 13 Ways Of Looking At A Fat Girl because that's what I'm reading right now and this story is the one on the web.

The Girl I Hate by Mona Awad (24min)


(2,068 replies, posted in Off Topic)

YES. Absolutely. I love that production.

(It is ultimate a little too heavy on the comedy to be my favourite version of Much Ado. But God I am glad it exists.)


(2,068 replies, posted in Off Topic)

When I was going to school, I had access to a big library of recorded Shakespeare performances, which included a couple performed in the original pronunciation. I think I watched part of A Midsummer Night's Dream. It's a completely different way of listening to Shakespeare, definitely.

Also, I only just yesterday saw that Sir Patrick was reading sonnets on Twitter. Bless.

Maybe I should buckle in, and make it a Shakespeare weekend. Rewatch Acting Shakespeare to round things out.


(2,068 replies, posted in Off Topic)

1. Haven't seen Rosencrantz and Gildenstern Are Dead. Been on the list for ages. Maybe I'll make it my weekend viewing.

2. Though I can't act to save my life, I've always found the actual memorizing of Shakespeare to be pretty straightforward. It's poetry. Totally clicks in my brain.

But then, I memorize things for fun, so maybe I'm just weird.


(2,068 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Paris Is Burning is absolutely required viewing, gang. Now is as good a time as any for a (re)watch.


(74 replies, posted in Creations)

Some shape of beauty moves away the pall from our dark spirits.

Fuck yeah.

This evening, some speculative fiction. A convenience store portal to....somewhere?, a glimpse into the future of employee wellness surveillance, and a bittersweet story about growing up on the internet.

3 Stories from Terraform (27min) – "The Portal" by Meg Elison; "Finding" by John Menick; and "I Like Your Bangs" by Lilian Min.


(29 replies, posted in Coronaviral Activities)

So. BC is pretty much shut down at this point: public spaces and restaurants are closed, the mandate is to stay isolated and try not to interact with people outside your household. My organization and other social service providers are getting ready to move to essential services mode.

I'm working from home, trying to stay on top of our external COVID-19 communications. I'm glad to be working, but I'm sure I'll be feeling overwhelmed at various moments throughout this and the coming weeks.

Wanted to drop in and say that:

1) I am gathering some resources on my website. Health info, uplifting news, entertainment in the time of social distancing, thoughts on how you can do good and help others. Feel free to check it out, to suggest things to add.

2) If anyone needs anything, from a chat to a few dollars to help tide them over, I am here for you. I can only give what I can give, but I am in a better position than many.

This place is home. I have been stressed, and even had a bit of a meltdown last week, and this place has helped me to feel connected and supported during this pandemic. So. Here for y'all. We're really in this now, but we're in it together.

here's a special pandemic treat for the K thread, because we've been all sappy-gushy. please enjoy this footage of my first glee club solo. baby alicia circa 2011, singing OneRepublic, conducted by Rayne Beveridge. (my friend graham is the second solo. no one tell him I posted this.)

some are born singers, some achieve vocal greatness, and some have glee club thrust upon them

dammit, I can't touch my face and I've got something in my a twig, or a branch...

thank you. that is some high praise.
(but objectively the best version is Cristin Milioti ❤️)