Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

Gandalf Doctor, love it.

Boter, formerly of TF.N as Boter and DarthArjuna. I like making movies and playing games, in one order or another.

Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

OK, the second episode was a little better than the first one, but it was also suspiciously similar to a certain sci-fi movie

(Pitch Black)

in some respects. I hope it's not a trend - that sort of thing killed Sliders in Season 3.

So honor the valiant who die 'neath your sword
But pity the warrior who slays all his foes...

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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

Well, usually Doctor Who tends to mix it up, so I wouldn't worry about it being a trend.

As for the new series; I find it sort of boring, compared to other series openers, but I wouldn't call it bad in any way. First episode reminded me a lot of Tennant's tenure, and the second one was very Capaldi-like. "what's going on here? I don't care much about the death aspect, I need to figure out what happened".

And I like it.

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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

Still waiting for posts in that thread that go "You know what? This was simply great. Nothing to add here."

Until then I still don't see how I can find the incentive to pick it up again. This show has slowly developed a standard of mediocrity.

Mom, I've become cynical!

Sébastien Fraud
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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

Saniss wrote:

Still waiting for posts in that thread that go "You know what? This was simply great. Nothing to add here."

I'm fairly certain that's a this forum thing. I'm not saying we're all a bunch of cynical assholes (yes I am), but basically everyone else I know is fucking /LOVING/ the new Doctor.


Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?


So honor the valiant who die 'neath your sword
But pity the warrior who slays all his foes...

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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

I never thought it would happen, but I'm hearing The Ninth Doctor's voice again.


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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

About time! (lay off the pun)

The difficult second album Regan

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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

My Doctor. My very first Doctor. :')
I have so many feels.

alicia ♆
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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

Today is the day!

I've only had the chance to listen to the first ten minutes on the way home from work, but I had the biggest grin on my face (behind my mask) hearing his voice again. He seems to be going for a lighter, more fun-loving take on The Doctor, which is a really nice surprise! I can see them taking his story in a darker direction down the line, leading to the Nine we all know from 'Rose' onwards.

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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

They definitely went all-out on the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff for Ravagers tongue Such a delight!

The Doctor has previously made the journey from fun-loving to more serious across a regeneration — that was the case for Seven and Eight for sure (I particularly enjoyed getting to hear these various sides of the Eighth Doctor in the audio story Caerdroia). It was wonderful to hear Chris having such fun, and I can also see them leading his Doctor to darker places in future stories.

alicia ♆
twitter | instagram | website

Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

It's been awhile, hasn't it?
Since last time, we've had some ups, some downs, and then some.. interesting stuff has happened.

some time ago, we learned that Russel T Davies(Born Stephen Russel Davies wtf) was coming back to Doctor Who.

I was thrilled! The man, the myth, the absolute fucking legend that somehow managed to take a cancelled show and propel it back into the minds and eyes of so many people. The man who brought Eccleston and Tennant to the proverbial big screen(depending on your TV, mind) was coming back after Chris Chibnall bowed out.
Oh, boy, what a joyous day that was. And to learn that Tennant was coming back again? Holy carp. What. a. world.

And then.


In Jodie Whitaker's final episode, the Power of the Doctor, we are treated to so much fan service, it's hard to know where to begin. Do we begin with Ace? Tegan? Peter Davidson? Colin Baker? Sylvester McCoy? Paul McGann's first actual TV appearance as the 8th Doctor?
Hard to say. That was all great. I love that episode, and while Chibnall might've retconned way too much for most fans, I like Whitaker's final show.


Now, don't misunderstand, having Tennant come back is always a blast. He did it for the 50th, and I'm sure he will again. Hell, as I'm typing this, the current season isn't even over, so who knows.
My problem is Tennant comes back, not as the 10th doctor, but as the 14th doctor. And I don't really like that. Sure, it's greating seeing *my* doctor back for another spin, and having him helm the 60th is, of course, like a dream come true.
But it feels a lot like a cop out. Hell, it probably was. Having the "dream team" back, and even bringing back Catherine Tate seems like it would push all the buttons, and ensure the show's future.

And then it kind of didn't.
Tennants first episode; The Star Beast isn't a bad episode at all. But retconning Donna's mortality to being basically just a throwaway doesn't sit right with me.
The Wild Blue Yonder, however, was, for me, peak Doctor Who. It's "small", it's wibbly wobbly, and it's just downright a good time.

Then, for Davies' next trick: The Giggle.

A solid romp through the Doctor as a character, his past brought to life in a new and interesting way, reintroducing a villain not seen since the 60s. Solid work. A great episode indeed, all the way until the bigeneration.
A way to make sure that all doctors from now on can always join in an adventure, because they don't change anymore, they just split up into two? To quote at least three doctors: I don't like it.

Ending the 60th with a boom like that left a mark on me. Unsure if I would be able to continue watching after that.

But I did. And, eh, The Church on Ruby Road was a shitshow. A bad plot, boring characters, and for SOME FUCKING REASON; A song and dance number.
Didn't set the bar at the right height at all.
Then moving on to Space Babies and The Devil's Chord, the first of which was just a bad episode. The second wasn't bad at all, until, YOU GUESSED IT. Another song and dance number. Out of nowhere. At least the first time they did it had context to the story, and you could always argue that since TDC was all about music, it made sense, but breaking the fourth wall by saying "There's always a twist at the end", and then singing those words in a song and dance number made no fucking sense what so ever.

Next episode "Boom" put Steven Moffat back in the writers chair. It's better. It's not great, but it sure as hell is better. Much better. Then again, bar, low.
"73 Yards" felt like a filler episode, however. There's nothing wrong with it per se, it's a solid episode, but at the end of it, it felt like the episode didn't even happen, so what's the point of it, apart from having Ncuti Gatwa not appear in it because he was shooting something else?
"Dot and Bubble", the latest episode as of writing this. I don't know. It was ok. But I was bored.

So what's the deal?
The 60th set up the whole premise of 'gravity' now being pronounced 'mavity'. Then they touched upon the bigeneration, saying that literally tore the doctor in half.
Clearly they imply that something is setup, and there will be a payoff, but I'm not seeing it.

And don't even get me started on how this new series is just suddenly Season 1. What the hell.

Last edited by Tomahawk (2024-06-07 17:43:01)

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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

We're coming up on this threads twelve anniversary!

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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

I for one am not routinely forgetting to check this forum!

Love Ncuti though.

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

Teague wrote:

I for one am not routinely forgetting to check this forum!

Love Ncuti though.


But like... in the Discord. But we're being quite active! Come say hi! We miss you!

Sébastien Fraud
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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

wikipedia is having a meltdown about series 14 vs season 1 and I think that's pretty hilarious.

an now, my opinions. in the words of River Song: spoilers.

on the whole, I feel optimistic about the show and Ncuti's Doctor. I thought that "The Church on Ruby Road" was a great first outing, very fun, loved the song. there were some great Doctor-ish moments, notably the whole exchange as the Doctor is running on the rooftop and later when he's learning the vocabulary of rope. it was also my first indication that this era is not *for* me. felt very Gen Z! and I'm glad, because there's lots of DW that caters to my particular tastes and it's time for something fresh.

so, on we go to "Space Babies." RTD really said, "hey were you worried I was gonna bring back the farting aliens? what about a literal boogeyman tongue" in hindsight, this was the first indication I would not be satisfied with the relationship-building between Ruby and the Doctor. they are besties too quick! nice little moral (though it falls a bit flat after we *just* impaled the Goblin King in the last episode lol), fun intrigue with the snow, yayyyy Golda Rosheuvel, the babies are in the uncanny valley....bewildering. but watchable enough.

"The Devil's Chord" gives us a nice "Pyramids of Mars" callback (we'll get back to that later). the episode is fine, the song is bad, effects are weird, Jinkx Monsoon is giving it 110%.

Moffat makes his return with "Boom" - good drama with heavy-handed commentary. having the Doctor confined to an active landmine is an inspired choice (no Harry Sullivan to get you out of it this time!! oh man, Harry Sullivan would have Opinions about this story). thumbs up.

"73 Yards" - now this is my shit. we're doing folk horror! I know people are gonna quibble about this one, particularly the ending "reset" but a Doctor-lite episode is a test for the companion and Ruby totally held her own. based on the finale, we also know that something lingers with her after this experience....the vibe was superb, the episode did not explain itself, thank god. my favourite episode up to this point.

"Dot and Bubble" - remember how I just said 73 Yards was my favourite? well, it is, but I think Dot and Bubble is the high point of the season. it's not a spectacular episode, but it's solid, and the scene at the end?? it's probably my favourite scene of the season because of Ncuti and Millie's performances. when the Doctor is yelling and raging and Ruby reaches for him, quietly crying...ugh. heartbreak. their friendship doesn't feel as deep or authentic as some previous companion relationships, but this moment works. I also think Lindy is a great protagonist in that you go from being annoyed with her, to rooting for her, to feeling utterly betrayed and disgusted by her. might be strange to say, as the Doctor and Ruby are sidelined in this one due to filming schedules (though I should say I love when Doctor Who gets away from the Doctor's perspective!), but I think this episode is indicative of the direction RTD is going with the series. we've got a balance of social commentary and monsters, compelling guest performances, and a bright and colourful visual style. this is a tone-setting story.

but we must move on, and so we head into the past for "Rogue" with my boy, recent Tony-winner Jonathan Groff. Ruby was namedropping Bridgerton like they were on Netflix lol. just a little mutual showrunner respect between Shonda and Russell. I was delighted to have Indira Varma return to the DW universe (not that her characters fare well, yikes). Ruby takes a backseat in this one so the Doctor can have his little flirtation. love it. I doubt Jack Harkness is making a comeback, so let's get a new bad boy in the mix. (also - sorry, but people continuing to cast Groffsauce, the softest of boys, as bad boys and villains will never not be funny to me. this man cries at eeeeeverything but you wanna write him like Han Solo. hilarious.)

also - did y'all spot Richard E. Grant in that montage of the Doctor's faces? oh goodness won't someone think of the canon! are we really canonizing "Curse of the the Fatal Death" or "Scream of the Shalka"??
this is a good moment to mention that I do not care about canon. everytime a writer fucks with canon (yes, even the heckin' Timeless Child arc) I just shrug and say oh well. sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't, sometimes it has interesting implications down the road which make a bad change fun to explore. so regarding bi-generation...I don't like it, but I don't care that much. and between that and the memory TARDIS, we're really going all-out on the alternate timelines. but that brings us to:

The Legend of Ruby Sunday / Empire of Death - um. not your best finale, Davies.
before I get into it, this season reminds me of series 10, Capaldi's last series. not in tone or story necessarily, but in how it makes me feel about the future of the show. I find series 8 & 9 to be uneven, and at times, unwatchable. I still haven't seen all Capaldi's episodes. but series 10 was solid. finally, we could move on from Clara, the Doctor wasn't so grumpy, the stories tended to be good...and if that had been Capaldi's first season, we would have all been really excited! and so, going into this finale, I was like, "If this is where we're starting, we're in a good spot." the big difference? "World Enough and Time" / "The Doctor Falls" is one of the best two-parters in the show. (Should. Have. Been. The. Regeneration. Story.) LoRS / EoD is not that.

I'm so, so glad we have Mel back. loving Bonnie's performance. delights me to no end. this incarnation of UNIT feels so unserious but I like it. and our "Pyramids of Mars" callback suddenly makes sense, because we have the return of Sutekh! Conceptually, I love this, and A+ for bringing Gabriel Woolf back. in execution...meh. I haven't visually loved any of the monsters this season, and I'm not loving the Sutekh design here, particularly because I thought his 70s look was so iconic. I love that the memory TARDIS from the "Tales from the TARDIS" shorts is explained in this ep. I shouted "You bastard!" at my TV because I thought that was a fun and clever bit of marketing/story tie-in work from RTD and the Bad Wolf team. also, I love that shoddy lil' box. adorable.

as people have pointed out, having Sutekh clinging to the outside of the TARDIS for hundreds of years is mad silly, and we all want to know if Jack Harkness spotted him that time he hitched a ride back in Series 3. it's also a bit silly, stakes-wise, to kill off the entire universe and then...bring death to death? Superman reversed time and Lois is alive again. sure. this is pretty ridiculous, and also I'm still not sure how much of the Universe was destroyed in the Flux?? but hey. even way back in "Terminus," Doctor Who had this issue of telling rather dull stories with the highest stakes possible (the destruction of the entire universe). speaking of "Terminus" - anyone remember the Garm design? echoes of it in Karvanista, maybe?

RTD is also trying to correct the Star Wars sequels fumble with Rey's parentage by having Ruby's mom be a regular person. I don't love focusing on companion backstories to this extent, particularly not in finales, but her family reunion is sweet. in the end, Mrs. Flood says something mysterious and ominous, and that's our season, folks.

messy, to be sure. entertaining. promising.

this is my first new Doctor since I went back and watched (most of) Classic Who. what I learned, getting into the classic series during COVID, is that I love this show. I love it when it's great, and I love it when it's terrible. my love is unconditional, which makes me a poor reviewer. sure, some eras feel like they are *for me* but that is about taste, not quality. Pertwee's first season is a masterpiece and I don't really like it. McCoy's first season is a disaster and I love it. I liked Amy Pond more on a rewatch, I liked Clara less, I think "Love and Monsters" is good, actually.

Series 14 / Season One is Doctor Who for a new generation, and I'm excited for people who get to grow up with Ncuti's Doctor. we had a nice variety of stories and settings, the production standards are high, and I hope that as this new era finds its footing, we will get some truly great stories like "Wild Blue Yonder" again.

(or maybe Jonathan Groff will come back and siiiiiing)


alicia ♆
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Re: Doctor Who is awesome, yeah?

Great review Alicia!

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