I myself bought the soundtrack in its entirety. But I am one of those a bit let down by it. It is beautiful in its own right but, outside of Rey's theme, doesn't bring anything that stands out as memorable. It doesn't particularly sound very Star Wars, until a previous Star Wars theme is suddenly tacked in out of nowhere as to pay fan service.

Most of the action sequences actually sound like an Indiana jones movie. "Follow Me":
Bum bum bum baddapum baddapum bum bum baddapum (then suddenly the Millenium Falcon theme because, well, there's the Millenium Falcon)

It just seems like pretty cool music, then suddenly Star Wars, then back to something else. Compare this score to Duel of the Fates or Anakin vs Obi-Wan. Both of those were instantly identifiable as Star Wars yet completely new. As beautiful as this new score is, nothing in it comes even close to being as thematic as those two alone.

In fact, while listening to this score in my headphones, I was able to hum a uniquely identifiable theme from each of the first six movies. You know how hard it is to think of one piece of music while another one is playing, yet this new score was that forgettable.

I know it sounds like I'm dogging this score pretty bad, I do actually like it and listen to it often, it's just not as memorable as the previous six. It's good music, just not as good Star Wars music.

I don't know, after seeing it three times, I can't remember a single new theme. The music seems pretty forgettable. And this is from a guy who, as a kid, would listen to the Star Wars record on our hifi and watch the movie in my head.

I still think the final duel started off as an inside joke. I can see the story meeting right now...

"Hey, I've got an idea! Lets have a lightsaber fight in a forest! No one has ever done that before!'


(13 replies, posted in Episodes)

I missed you guys there. I came with my wife and kids. We were on the right side about the middle.

Anyways, I'm surprised about Hobbit not making the cut. I have to admit that the first time I saw HFR was at the last bake-off. At the time I had not even seen Desolation of Smaug so seeing the HFR footage out of context was a bit disorienting. However this year, having already seen Five Armies, I really enjoyed the HFR much to my surprise. But I didn't know how much I liked it until the other reels started playing. Coming out of Hobbit, which looked so clear and bright and crisp, Maleficent looked dark and blurry and shallow in comparison. In fact, none of the films really came close to looking as bright and deep as Hobbit. The 3D in Hobbit just worked so well. But it was funny that there were no questions after their presentation. They were actually walking off the stage when, I think it was that lady they called Teresa, asked a question that brought the Hobbit presenters back onto the stage. She must have been the designated "first question" person for the night.

And quite honestly, not to disappoint the old timers, (of whome I'm one) I felt really let down with the print of Interstellar that was screened. I immediately noticed the graininess and dust and scratches. I guess it's been a while since I've seen a non-digital presentation in a theater. I know the presenter said it added character, but to me it just looked dirty. I'm afraid I don't have the sentimental love of film that others do. Although I'm sure that comes mostly from never shooting with it. (Motion pictures that is. I've spent many a hours in a dark room before developing stills)

As far as X-Men, it earned its spot with the spontaneous applause after the Quicksilver scene. I thought it was cool when they described how they animated the stadium being flown around. They decided to animate it based on how Magneto would actually be able to control it. They built the interior metal "rebar" structure and then hung the body of the stadium over it as a cloth sim. As they animated the metal skeleton, the stadium would flex around it. Then they had the surface procedurally crack as the "cloth" flexed past certain parameters. I found that particularly cool.

The highlight for me was Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The opening shot to the closing shot. The detail and subtlety that can be achieved in CG characters now blows me away. To be able to push in that close into the eyes and it holds up completely is incredible. Although, the presentation was ruined a bit that they didn't announce the reel was in 3D. It followed several non-3D movies so it wasn't until it was 20 seconds or so into the reel when it started looking like a double image and then we were fumbling to put on our glasses. Maybe it was noted on the program which reels were in 3D, but as I arrived at the last minute, I didn't get a program.

All in all, it was another fun experience, this time one I got to share with my teenage boys.

BTW, I don't know who in that room could afford a new Ferrari, but my son enjoyed walking by it in the parking lot on our way out.


(4 replies, posted in Off Topic)

My wife really enjoyed it last year and we think we are going to get a sitter and do it again. Anyone else gonna be going? Any get-togethers happening before or after?


(13 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Recently, I've been making my own "TV edits" for films I want my boys to appreciate but not necessarily scar them. Mostly removing obscene language or bloody violence or nudity (they are 11 & 13)

I think it may be technically illegal but it's only within my home so whatever.

They've now seen edited versions of Crimson Tide, The Rock and Blackhawk Down to name a few. When they were younger, I was editing PG-13 movies like Episode III and Transformers to make them a bit more palatable for their ages at the time.

Now, though, I've been taking them to select PG-13 movies and have introduced them to The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit sagas and they are all about it. I just know which movies are going to be ok for them and which won't.  You just gotta know your kids.


(248 replies, posted in Off Topic)

I've been busy and haven't been on the internet much recently. I just happened to check my twitter feed right now and caught this. My prayers truly go out to Mike and his family. I hear this kind of news and it seems unreal. Though I've never met Mike, I feel like I know him. I respect him as much as we disagree.

Mike, when you eventually read this, know that my love and care for you and your soul far out ways whatever we could disagree on. I'm so sorry this has happened to you. You don't deserve it. You have so many amazing friends that are showing their true friendship right now. If you ever need me to be anything more than that light saber pastor guy you argue with on the internet, just let me know and I'll help however I can. But it looks like you are being well cared for.

God bless you and I'm praying for you.


(373 replies, posted in Off Topic)

This is exactly why I wish so many Christians would just shut up.

Don't argue about things that you don't understand. Setting up a straw and then knocking it down is not arguing. (By the way, that goes both ways)


(123 replies, posted in Episodes)

Not to get too political, but I wonder if the shooter was a fan of the movie "God Bless America" or "The East"

A lot of people like to argue that talk radio hosts should watch what they say and/or suggest because they have a lot of influence over weak minded people. I wonder if the same argument will be made about some film makers.

And no matter what the shooters motivation or frustration, what he did was absolutely sick.

Thank you muchly :-D

I look forward to meeting everyone for the first time.

My wife and I actually got someone to pick up our kids from school tomorrow and they are staying the night at my moms house so we can come down to LA for this. So if anyone knows the actual start time and location, I'd appreciate a heads up :-)

It will be an adventure whatever happens.

Sweet. I might actually be able to pull this off, depending on how late my shoot goes. Where is it?

How does one get in? I've listened to the two podcasts so far about it and do I understand it correctly that you just have to get in line? I've never been and am very interested in showing up but I have a video to shoot Thursday morning until around 2:00. I'm curious to know if arriving in LA around 4ish would even land me a spot or would it be too late already.


(373 replies, posted in Off Topic)

It's cool to hear your experiences. Like Dorkman said, correlation does not equal causation. I just saw a pattern and thought I'd ask what everyone thought. I am curious though, did anyone here grow up in an atheist home and is still an atheist today? In other words, any non-converted atheists?


(373 replies, posted in Off Topic)

I've been listening to several episodes recently while driving and working. Today, while listening to the "Few Good Men" commentary, I heard several of you mention your experience with having to wear uniforms in school and I suddenly noticed a pattern. Some of the most vocal anti-religion people who have posted on this thread are people who have grown up in church, specifically the Catholic Church, and/or went to catholic school as kids. I wonder if there is a pattern to be drawn.

There was a famous quote by a guy named Brennon Manning:

"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable."

I know it's simplistic in nature and ignores the scientific aspect of proving God. But I think there's some truth to it in that, usually, the strongest anti-theists are usually people who had bad experiences with the church. My atheist friend grew up in the Catholic Church and even taught history at a catholic school before he lost his faith.

Just something I observed while driving in my car today listening to my favorite podcast.


(373 replies, posted in Off Topic)

My father was praying for our senior pastor for a decision that the church needed to make. In prayer he felt that he heard a direction that seemed counter to what the consensus was. He was unsure if he heard right and felt that God said "it's as sure as your grandchild coming" That weekend we announced to our family that we were pregnant. We had not told anyone we were trying for a baby, we really didn't want that mental picture circling in our parents minds :-)

With that confirmation, my dad moved forward and told the senior pastor what he heard. Like I said, it wasn't a popular direction and at first the senior pastor disagreed. It was several months later that the issue came up again and my father felt he needed to reiterate to the senior pastor the direction he felt God was leading but wanted to be sure that he was hearing correctly. This time he heard God say "it's as sure as your grandson is coming" at that time, my wife and I had specifically not sought out the gender of the baby during the ultrasound. We wanted to be surprised at the delivery. While my wife was having the C-Section, my father-in-law approached my dad and said, "God has told you the gender hasn't He?" My dad told him what God had said. Sure enough, just minutes later our first born son was born.

Armed with new confirmation, my dad approched the senior pastor again with confidence. Ultimately, through a series of events that did not go according to the senior pastors plan, the outcome that God had told my dad came to pass and is still affective to this day nearly 13 years later.

The purpose of God telling my dad about the pregnancy and gender was to give him the confidence that the rest of the revelation was accurate as well. The church needed direction and my sons birth played a part in that.


(373 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Oh and happy new year everyone! I'm going to a party at a friends house and won't be posting here til next year (har har) have a great evening!


(373 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Dorkman wrote:

So you understand that you claiming I'VE made up my mind and you haven't is a complete cop-out and nonsense to boot, yes? I'm willing to change my mind based on new information. You're not. Don't project your intellectual rigidity onto me.

Actually if you read my quote again where I answered your question, you will, in fact, see that I said that you are willing to change and I am not. When I'm talking about your unwillingness to accept my evidence, I'm referring to the idea that my level of evidence will never meet yours. That, of course, is based on an assumption that I may have incorrectly made about what level of evidence you will accept. I will not attempt to present scientific evidence to prove God. You may or may not accept anything less. If my assumption is correct then no matter how much of my evidence I present, none of it will ever be good enough for you because of your predetermined level of acceptance. If my assumption is incorrect then please enlighten me on what you consider to be the type of evidence you will accept for the existence God.

Dorkman wrote:

And how many statements of that kind did he make to your mother or father-in-law or anyone else that did not come to pass? I don't expect you to know -- you'd only hear about them if they did come to pass because my goodness how remarkable. Any predictions that didn't come to pass would just be forgotten and never mentioned. This is what I'm referring to when I say counting the hits and forgetting the misses.

And in all fairness you are assuming that I am overlooking the misses. You are not giving me the benefit of the doubt. You are simply assuming that it couldn't possibly be as I described and that I must be deceptive or forgetful. What if I'm truthful and factual?

Dorkman wrote:

I would like you to acknowledge that you have been stating a falsehood before we continue.

I hope I just cleared that up.


(373 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Dorkman wrote:

...You believe that Muslims are mythical? Well, I can't say I have a pre-loaded response for that one.

I'm going to assume that you are being funny here, but just in case you misunderstood, I didn't say Muslims are mythical, I'm saying the specific Muslim who has the same story as me is mythical until they join in our conversation and share their story. Until then that person is simply a figment of your imagination conjured up in order to attempt to nullify my story. Similarly, I can easily say that there are atheists who lie and falsify evidence that contradicts their beliefs but until I produce them for you they are simply figments of my imagination.

Dorkman wrote:

As long as you only count the hits and ignore the misses.

Oh, I totally see that after the fact. There are so many Christians who claim God did something after it's all over and ignoring the things or excusing the things that didn't happen. I can see that in my own life. I try not to immediately jump to those conclusions. But I'm talking about the rare times when I know what I heard and I act out on it and claim it publicly before there's any conclusion. Those times don't happen often, but when they'd do, I've never been let down. And I saw that life lived before my own eyes through my father. He knew my wife and I were pregnant before we told anyone, he told my mom. He knew our child was going to be a boy before he was born and told my father in law. Both of those things he heard from God were used as confirmations for something else that eventually came to pass. I've seen this life lived before me and I've lived it myself. You're right, you don't have to believe I'm lying, but to just assume I'm wrong or delusional is intellectually dishonest. Like I said, your mind is made up so you don't even have to listen or consider what I'm saying, you can just ignore it.

Dorkman wrote:

If good things ALWAYS happened to you when "God told you" they would exactly as you believed you were told they would, without fail, that would be quite a bit of evidence in your favor. But based on what you've vaguely stated here, it seems to succeed/fail on about the same ratio as it would without God entering the equation.

First off, I never said that all the good is from God and all the bad is from me. Like you said, shit happens to everyone. Even the bible says that. Matthew 5:45. What I'm trying to tell you is that the ratio of things turning out the way God said it would, when I claimed it before the results, is indeed very high in my life. And was high in the life of my father. This is what I have lived. This is why I'm passionate about this. No one can take that from me. And a really want to share it.

Dorkman wrote:

What I've stated here is a point of falsifiability -- or at least a path -- against my stance. If the above were true, I would have to seriously consider that my stance is wrong. Can you offer the same?

I suppose if your stance is only based upon what you have reasoned then it's logical to consider that a new argument could change it. However, my stance is not only based on what I've reasoned, but also what I've lived and experienced. And in life, experience usually trumps reason. You can think, and reason, and calculate all you want, but in the end the real world is what you experience. If I'm faced with two differing viewpoints on how to raise children, and one is from a 22 year old childless grad student with a degree in child developement and the other is a couple who has three well adjusted and successful adult children, I'll listen to the latter before I give credence to the former because their experience has been proven. The grad student only has theories. I know what has happened in my life. I combine that experience with my reason to achieve my belief. And I'm afraid that cannot be shaken.

Dorkman wrote:

Don't give me the preprogrammed talking points responding to what you think an atheist believes -- try asking me instead.

My apologies. I was basing my statement off of conversations with my atheist friend, Marshall. He has told me that it pretty much comes down to an acceptable level of evidence and his limit is what is provable scientifically. And even though that doesn't answer everything, it's the only place he feels he can reasonably start. I guess I should ask if you share the same stance.


(373 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Dorkman wrote:

Not to mention that every religion's adherents say the exact same thing.

Pastor, a Muslim comes to you and says the exact thing you said here, verbatim except Quran instead of Bible. What is your reaction?

I would say the same thing that I tell my atheist friend when he asks that question, until you bring that person to our coffee table discussions, they are just a myth. I'm here right now in front of you.

As for the confirmation bias, in the circumstance from last year, I claimed it to my friend before there was confirmation. He is a witness. I don't hear things this big in my life often. But I knew this, that's why I told him at the time before there were any results. Now he is a witness to the results and himself has seen that I did not conjure up this story after the fact. Of course it's just a "coincidence". But as he continues to see these "coincidences" happening right in front of him, it will rock his world. When it's real in front you, it's a lot harder to sluff off than reading about it on an Internet forum.

I don't expect it to be enough for you to believe. It can't. You don't know me personally so it's easy to just assume that I'm lying to you. No matter how many stories I bring to you, you will just write them off without even investigating them. You are already preconceived to dismiss my stories so you are not open to even look into their validity. And even if you did, you would still insist that there must be some other explanation because no matter how much evidence is presented, it still wouldn't be proof to you because you've already made up your mind. You will only accept a scientifically measurable data point, and frankly that's a reasonable demand. However, not everything can be measured scientifically. And if your acceptable level of evidence is bound to only what can be perceived and measured by our limited human senses, the your universe is sadly small.

To think that just because you can't logically calculate it, therefore it cannot exist, is the height of human arrogance. Think bigger. There's more to the universe than what is humany understandable.


(373 replies, posted in Off Topic)

I haven't ventured onto these forums in a while. I'm so sorry I missed this. Poor fireproof has been hangin' here by himself for the most part. I love these discussions. Usually I'm frustrated by the way most Christians argue about their beliefs, but kudos to fireproof. And for what it's worth, after reading this entire thread, I don't think Dorkman was coming off as hostile or vitriolic at all. I'm amazed at the civility of the discussion. This truly is a great online community. Again I apologize for not being here more often.

I just want to expound on a few things that I saw discussed in this thread.

First is the idea of faith. As some here have expressed, faith is based on evidence. I don't believe in blind faith. The bible doesn't teach blind faith. God doesn't expect blind faith. God expects faith in His nature based on His past actions in your life. Faith is based on experience. That is why so many times in the bible, God asked his followers to make altars after an event in their life. That altar was to act as a reminder of His faithfulness. In fact the word faithful means that someone has a track record that can be counted on. I have experiences with God, not just lessons from a book. I have miracle stories from my life that I personally have experienced. Not many, not everyday, but significant ones that I have lived through. I don't discuss faith in a purely academic level, I discuss faith based on my actual life experiences.

The bible, in Hebrews 11:1, defines faith as "the evidence of things hoped for" and "the convictions of things not seen." The bible also defines, in Romans 10:17 where faith comes from: "hearing by the word of God" The Greek word for "word" in that passage is "rhema" and it refers to a living, spoken word as opposed to something inscribed or written down. More importantly, it says that faith cannot simply be conjured up on your own. It must originate from God as a promise. You then hold onto that promise based on your experience with God in your life. I liken this process to a ticketed event. Let's say I go online and purchase a ticket to see The Hobbit at an IMAX theater in LA. (I live in Bakersfield so I can't just go to the box office and buy it). I'm emailed a confirmation that shows my seat number. An e-ticket if you will. That ticket guarantees my seat. I don't have my seat yet, but I have faith that the seat will be there for me after I drive two hours to get there. I couldn't just create that ticket on my own. It had to come from the theater. I can't just type up my own ticket then expect the theater to honor that seat. The legitimate ticket from the theater is the substance I hold on to that allows me to expect my seat until I'm actually sitting in it. So many Christians misunderstand this process, they've been taught wrong. They think that they can print up their own ticket and demand that God honor their wishes. At that point, their prayers are just that, wishful thinking.

Ultimately, faith in God starts with experience. And faith based on experience cannot be shaken. You cannot break my faith because it is not some sort of academic understanding based on what others have told me, it's based on what I have experienced, what I have lived through, what God has done for me personally. You can argue confirmation bias all you want, but I act out on things before the confirmation happens. I claim what will happen before it does. I've lived it enough to count on it.

My experience has shown the bible to be true to me. I act out how it says and things happen as it says it should. It is as consistent as I am with it. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, I sin and miss what God is trying to tell me all the time. But when I'm tacking right, when I'm following His word as I should, I hear him clearly and the decisions I make produce the outcomes promised.

I'm living through something right now that started a year ago. At the time, I knew what God spoke to me, and it was to take a step of faith and begin a whole life change for me and my family. At the time, I was having semi-regular lunch meetings with an atheist friend of mine and I told him what I was about to do. He thought I was crazy. A year later and we are now meeting for coffee on a weekly basis and he is watching me as what I told him would happen is happening in front of his eyes.

My life is my testimony. It is the evidence of God working. It is my evidence of the validity of the bible.

I've more to say but this will be enough for this post. Love you all.


(83 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Tom Cruise as Maverick

(sound of mic hitting the stage floor)


(27 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Well there were a few movies that I saw and liked as an adolescent that got me into movies in general but it wasn't until the first movie on my list here that I discovered that I wanted to tell stories and make movies.

1) Empire of the Sun (1987)
I saw this for the first time while on my first out of town trip without my parents or family. I was a freshman in high school and it was playing on the TV in the hotel room where we were staying while on a band trip to San Francisco in 1989, I was 13 at the time. This was the first movie where I understood the subtext and I recognized all the symbolism. The music, the camera movement, the lighting... everything made sense to me. I felt like I knew what the director was trying to do and why he chose those shots. After that, I started realizing the importance of blocking and moving the camera to help tell a story. It was then that I realized that I needed a jib and a dolly if I wanted to make my movies epic. It was the right movie at the right age for me.

2) Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)
This is one that my dad rented one time because he liked cars. I was a sophomore or a junior at the time. I was blown away by it's style. What it did with camera movement and angles and setups was spectacular. The ingenious ways that it staged shots where people have conversations from different locations in the same frame blew my young mind. And it's use of music and song opened my eyes (or should I say ears) to the power songs can play in setting a mood and a style.

3) Jurassic Park (1993)
I was 18 at the time this came out. Now you have to understand something about my family to appreciate this movie's impact on my life. I have a handicapped/mentally retarded older sister. She has cerebral palsy and only has the mental capacity of a baby. Early in my life my parents had a bad experience at a movie theater when my sister wouldn't be quiet and someone shouted out to "shut that thing up." After that my family only went to drive in theaters so that my sisters noise wouldn't bother anyone else. Well, in the summer of 1993, while on vacation at the beach, I had read about this new dinosaur movie coming out that weekend by my favorite director. My brother and I convinced our parents to drop us off at the theater at the beach. It was one of the first times in years that I had even been in an indoor theater. We barely made it in time and were getting our seats when the lights went down. We had the only seats left in the theater, Front row all the way on the right. I had never fully experienced a summer blockbuster movie before that day. I saw that movie 5 times in the theater that summer. And thus began my insistence on seeing movies at an indoor theater. No more drive ins for me. (now i miss them for nostalgic reasons)


(469 replies, posted in Episodes)

Wow, Kyle. That's a list.

I liked "Magic Bean", "Hollywood Repairmen" and "Creative Hindsight". I think "Creative Hindsight" could be very encompassing for all kinds of discussions about different creative disciplines. And it really encapsulates what you guys do on the podcast.


(469 replies, posted in Episodes)

My wife said to call the show "IMU" Since the press release said the name should be something Interesting Memorable and Unique.