Topic: Here's how this works.
Welcome to the Reviews board. This is a place where we not only encourage, we ask you to post reviews for movies you've seen and want to talk about. We spend a lot of time talking about movies here, and we've even had reviews before over in Off Topic, but they tend to become whole conversations with snippets of opinion here and there. That's really fun. That should still happen. Half-cocked movie bullshit is a sterling tradition over in Off Topic, and not every movie you see will compel you to write a big thing.
This board is a place where you get home from the movie, wanna type up your thoughts longform, and totally do. It's a place to cook up a full review, post it, and get feedback on it. Not to mention, you know, this is a good, permalink-friendly place to share what you've written on your social networking stuff. Blah blah web 2.0.
1. The posts in this board will be your proper reviews, ideally in the realm of four or five paragraphs - or longer.
2. The thread title should be "[Title Of The Movie]" Review By [Your Name], and should be followed by one of three demarcations of spoilerhood. Spoilers if the whole thing is spoilery, No Spoilers if there's, you know, no spoilers, and Spoilers Marked if there's only a spoiler here or there and you're going to mark those spoilers in advance for readers who'll want to skip them.
3. If you want to review a movie that already has a review, make a new thread - don't post your review in the existing one. Think of this a being a board full of articles and comments sections.
4. Reviews of older movies are encouraged!
Let's see what happens.
I have a tendency to fix your typos.