
I watched the first episode of Threshold here a couple weeks ago and, predictably, got busy and forgot to write this up.
I had been wanting to watch Threshhold for a while now, it stars Carla Gugino, Brent Spiner and Peter Dinklage so needless to say really.
It's your fairly standard "Alien thing is found so the ragtag team of troubled scientists is assembled by the "worst case scenario" person to go investigate!", there's definitely a very strong Sphere influence here.
Obviously I've only seen the first episode so far so I can't really speak to the larger story or things at work. But so far, it hasn't really impressed too much. There's some interesting ideas at work, the design of the alien craft is pretty cool. But unfortuantely it's buried under so much ham-fisted and on the nose writing it becomes almost painful to watch at times.
Most of the inter-character dialouge is an as-you-know extravaganza, and the entire show really feels like it was written by someone who's only understanding of the human race was learned from wikipedia. The (loosely used term here) "science" is surface level at it's best. And I don't say that in the typical sci-fi "oh that can't do that" way, but it feels like the scientific concepts/interpersonal relationships are all understood in a very shallow way and executed even more poorly, like my sci-fi fan fic I wrote at 15 got turned into a fully produced show.
All that said though, I am probably going to give it a few more episodes to see where it goes. Plus Dinklage and Spiner are great and I love watching them do thier thing. (Dinklage as the kinda scuzzy womanizer who also happens to be a genious is absolutely hilarious to watch)
So as of episode 1, I would say unless you're like me and have a great love for weird Alien disvovery stories, Dinklage and Spiner, you can probably pretty safely avoid this. I'll report back if anything changes.
Farscape- (Rewatching)-

I was in a really weird mood last week, just in one of these really apathetic but still want something to watch moods. So I was just flipping through Netflix trying to find something, stumbled across Farscape, thought meh, what the hell, flipped through to a random season, picked a random episode and hit play.
And now I'm rewatching it.
Little bit of back story of me and farscape. I started watching Farscape in High School (probably 2008ish or so) so it had already long come and gone. I watched it all and absolutely loved the hell out it, it's decidedly among my favorite shows of all time. I've tried rewatching it a few times over the years, I always get about 1/2-3/4 the way through season one and fizzle out. Don't get me wrong, season 1 is great, but there isn't much to really sink your teeth into on a rewatch. So I've seen most of season 1, 3-4 times.
So back to last week. Turns out the episode I picked was the first half of a 2 parter near the beginning of season 3.
And OH MY GOD YOU GUYZ THIS SHOW. Holy crap. I had forgotten just truly how amazing it is.
I feel like I'm watching a lot of this for the first time. (I remember the broad strokes of the story, and that's about it as it turns out). It is fantastically twisted, bizarre... the episode I watched last night had about %30 of it done as a looney tunes cartoon... and yet there is something so deeply human about it. It's unlike anything I've ever seen.
Farscape was made by Jim Henson Productions and had full access to the Henson workshop, so the aliens are truly alien in a way I've never seen before or since. There is something so amazing about having this massive alien beasts be there, really, truly there, that you really can't get with a CG creature, no matter how good the effects. And I think in large part due to the creature shop the world feels lived in, real, yet still entirely alien.
On a story telling level it absolutely blows me away with how extreme they can go with absolute bizarrity and soul crushing humanity (often at the same time) and still get away with it 100 percent. It's absolutely fantastic.
Definitely a must watch for any sci-fi fan... or anyone really.
Plus... and I'm just throwing it out there....Claudia Black in tight leather clothing... yeeeep.
Last edited by BigDamnArtist (2013-12-11 05:42:32)