Topic: Forum Chat Box
So, we're trying something. You might have noticed on the board index there's a minimalist chat room thingy going on. That's what we're trying.
If you're logged into the boards, you're logged into the chat, and you know, chat. With other forumers. We're not sure if we're gonna like having it there or not, and even if we do, what the best way to implement it permanently will be. That's what this week is for. Bug reports, ideas, suggestions, dissensions, all of that.
There are no rules, the law of the forum is the same for the chat. (That said, I myself will be going a little lighter on the profanity in the chat box, just because it's gonna be a first impression for anybody who's visiting the forum for the first time or lurking.)
You're under no obligation to use it, and with the nature of the chatroom being "hey, if you're online, you can say something," there's also no major obligation to announce your arrival or departure. It's just a way to say hi and have minor conversations.
If you end up finding something interesting to talk about, we highly encourage you to make an Off Topic thread about it! The idea here is to be more connected with your fellow forumperson and to promote conversation, not move it over to the chat box. We just thought this might be nifty for folks who are online but don't have anything to add to the current threads. (And talk their way into creating a new one.)
March 4th, 2013: You may now use BBCode in the chat! You should be able to do all of the basic tags such as bold
and URLs.
I have adjusted the image tags so that they turn into links to keep the chatbox clean. Enjoy, and let me know if certain tags are breaking the chat or making it unusable.
I have a tendency to fix your typos.