So according to Deadline, Paramount pushed GI Joe into 2013 so they could reshoot a buttload of stuff and basically change the movie so that Channing Tatem's "duke" character doesn't die at the beginning. This, obviously, means that they'll have to shoe-horn his character into the movie somehow, and will probably require quite a bit of reshooting to pull off.
The reason they decided to do this was because the lack of Duke was one of the major complaints from their test audiences, who rated the film "mediocre to bad". I shall extrapolate a bit based on this information, but go with me on this for a minute. This leads me to believe that they had quite a lot of people in their test audiences who are - think about this, now - apparently fans of the first movie. So they're taking advice from the sort of people who liked the first movie on how to make the second movie. Further, those same people thought the new film was 'bad', but bad in what sense? I personally know people who loved GI Joe, and most of them don't like movies like Die Hard, Alien, Children of Men or Ronin, but love the shit out of the Transformers films, Battleship, Alien vs Predator and Boondock Saints (both one and two...).
So my theory right now is that this Chu fellow may have actually made a pretty decent flick, but the people going to the test screening didn't like it for any number of reasons, though one of the major reasons was the death of a major character early in the film which apparently got a significant number of complaints. I am now hoping like crazy that they release both versions on the DVD / Bluray so I can see if I'm right about this. My theory is that the film as it is now is probably pretty good, but the resulting clusterfuck of a reshoot / re-edit will turn the film into a pile of incomprehensible garbage.
Totally unrelated bit of fluff from some guy on reddit who apparently watched all the Tarantino films recently:
"As it turns out, Donny Donowitz, ‘The Bear Jew’, is the father of movie producer Lee Donowitz from True Romance – which means that, in Tarantino’s universe, everybody grew up learning about how a bunch of commando Jews machine gunned Hitler to death in a burning movie theater, as opposed to quietly killing himself in a bunker."
If we're considering films written by tarantino as well, then Natural Born Killers probably fits in there somewhere as well.
The guy basically says that even tarantino's "movies the people from pulp fiction watch" are also in-cannon with the other films because they're either A) films that are dramatized versions of reality or B) are films made by the characters in his other films. IE, that Kill Bill isn't just a movie starring Uma Thurman as "The Bride", it's a movie starring Uma Thurman as Mia Wallace as "The Bride", and that Inglorious Basterds is most likely a film produced or directed by a guy about his father's involvement in the plot to kill Hitler. The Bear Jew is the one that shoots the fuck out of Hitler, after all.