Topic: Make your case.

Everyone gives you shit because you love [insert movie here], but deep in your heart you un-ironically enjoy it.

What's the movie, and make your case.

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: Make your case.

Didn't we JUST talk about this, like 6 threads down?

Re: Make your case.

I don't read this forum, come on.

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: Make your case.

Spider Man 2.

Eddie Doty

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Re: Make your case.

Even the posts you make yourself? Interesting, good to know.

Re: Make your case.

I think previously it was guilty pleasures, now it is "honestly good cinema in your opinion but with a bad rep".

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Re: Make your case.

Nobody gives anybody shit for liking Spiderman 2 other than me. That does NOT count.

Re: Make your case.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  The first movie, and the CGI one TMNT...  There really is no case to make other than I just enjoyed myself while watching these flicks.

Cast Away.  Just liked the quiet, slow crawl of this flick.  In todays movie-scape, we need more flicks like Cast Away...

Last edited by switch (2011-03-29 03:33:18)

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Re: Make your case.

I liked Cast Away a lot.

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: Make your case.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is one of the greatest comedies ever committed to celluloid.

- Branco

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Re: Make your case.

switch wrote:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  The first movie, and the CGI one TMNT...  There really is no case to make other than I just enjoyed myself while watching these flicks.

See, I think the first movie is honestly good. Maybe it's just because it goes back to the comic and takes it seriously as opposed to the first cartoon, or the great Henson suits. And they had the perfect Casey.

I write stories! With words!

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Re: Make your case.

Constantine is always in there, but you can already listen to DiF talk about it, and they make every point that I usually do. And everyone from "serious film critics" to people who don't even know what a Kurosawa is hate me when they hear that I like Titanic. Again, listen to DiF.

But as I said in the previous thread, I love Cloverfield, and I don't care who knows. Yeah, the characters may not be fully developed, but I don't think that they have to be. It's a monster movie, you want to see them run from the monster. And Cloverfield delivers in that regard.

"The Doctor is Submarining through our brains." --Teague

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Re: Make your case.

Uh... yeah... I'm pretty much that guy giving rather than receiving the shit.

/Desperately trying not to respond to Doc's post, for example.

Warning: I'm probably rewriting this post as you read it.

Zarban's House of Commentaries

Re: Make your case.

Matrix Reloaded and Phantom Menace. Thaaaat's right.

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Re: Make your case.

Ah, but make your case!

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: Make your case.

DoctorSubmarine wrote:

But as I said in the previous thread, I love Cloverfield, and I don't care who knows. Yeah, the characters may not be fully developed, but I don't think that they have to be. It's a monster movie, you want to see them run from the monster. And Cloverfield delivers in that regard.

It has some pretty obvious problems,(does anyone drop an f bomb?) but I still really like it.

Protection and power are overrated. I think you are very wise to choose happiness and love. -Uncle Iroh

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Re: Make your case.

Ok, I only recently watched this movie, and I hadn't even heard of it 'till Netflix suggested it to me, so people I know haven't given me shit for it, but it only got mediocre reviews, so I guess it counts? I fucking love Vexille. Like, a lot. It's got cyborgs and andriods and mecha-suits and huge metal devouring worms made of the metal they devour and I love the music and art style and characters and man do I love this movie. It's on Netflix Streaming, go watch it.

Also, hey, you guys should do a DiF for Vexille. Please smile

Last edited by ShadowDuelist (2011-03-30 07:56:18)

"ShadowDuelist is a god."
        -Teague Chrystie

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Re: Make your case.

Phantom Menace: I was 13 when it came out. For me, it was Star Wars, to which I was relatively fresh, and it was awesome. A new badguy that looked bad-ass, rocking lightsabers and a space battle. Sure, compared to the OT, it's not much, but I still enjoy it for what it is. It's probably the one that's been playing most in my house. I don't even have to pay attention, but it's a great film to just have playing.

Matrix Reloaded: It may not make sense in the big picture, but reloaded hits the spot. It's got cool characters, great action, a good soundtrack and pretty cool vfx. I like the film. It may not be up to par with the Animatrix and the original, but it's damn cool to look at.

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Re: Make your case.

So really you should be posting about them in the "Bad movies I love" thread, not the "Movies everyone says are bad but I think are actually good and here's why" thread.

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Re: Make your case.

DorkmanScott wrote:

So really you should be posting about them in the "Bad movies I love" thread, not the "Movies everyone says are bad but I think are actually good and here's why" thread.

Called it.


Re: Make your case.

Based on my post in the "Bad movies I love" thread, I should have posted here.

Speed Racer: I love the editing and the colours. It rolls along at a zippy pace and is almost entirely visual story telling. It's like watching a kaleidoscope that also has plot. An obvious plot, but it works. I like the characters, especially Trixie and her relationship with Speed. She's not stupidly jealous or demanding or any of those girlfriend stereotypes that end up in movies.

It was actually the first Blu-ray I saw, and my expectations were exceedingly low. I ended up enjoying watching it from beginning to end. It's also got my favourite movie disc menu design (no ads, no menu, the movie just starts).

I love it.

Despite the kid and the monkey.

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Re: Make your case.

People don't like Batman Forever.  Those people are assholes.

That movie is a freaking awesome romp through Batmanland.  Is it The Dark Knight?  No.  But then, the kickboxing cookie monster Batman who has machine guns and explosives isn't the ONLY version of Batman.  And the one from Batman Forever is far from my favorite version of Batman.  But if you can watch Jim Carrey, Tommy Lee Jones, Val Kilmer, and Chris O'Donnel just hamming AS HARD AS THEY POSSIBLY CAN and not have a good time... man, we aren't from the same universe.

Batman and Robin deserves all the hate it gets, but come on.  It's a FUN bad movie.  It's not The Last Airbender, which I thought was going to be a bad movie but actually just ruined my week and made me want to beat up children.


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Re: Make your case.

I'm with you on BATMAN FOREVER.  The way I see it, we have 3 modern Batman series.  Batman/Returns, Forever/B&R, and Begins/Knight. 

The first two are these great, fantasy-land movies.  Hugely art-deco in their design, and really a cool look at what was probably once the gleaming city of the future and has since been given over to crime and poverty.  A nice update to the Batman legacy.

Forever switched things up a bit, and brought us an updated version of the campy comics from the 50's and 60's.  Everything takes place in this whacky Crayola-Gotham, where there don't seem to be any real consequences other than getting more colorful.  This and Batman and Robin are the movie versions of those comics where there's a T-Rex and a giant penny in the Batcave.

Begins brought us back to reality.  It takes place in the world that we live in, mostly in the time that we live in, and does its best to convince us that Batman is a story that could happen to you or me.  There are some fantastical elements, but for the most part it's as if Batman popped up one day in a current American city.  Like, say, Chicago.

BATMAN FOREVER gets a lot of shit for being too kiddy and silly, but that's what Batman was to most people until the 80's anyway.  I'll take FOREVER over BEGINS any day of the week.

- Branco

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Re: Make your case.

+1 on liking BATMAN FOREVER, for basically the same reasons Branco said. Pre-Nolanverse I actually think it's my favorite, RETURNS being second.

BATMAN & ROBIN is pretty indefensible though. Although you compare it to AIRBENDER and I think "boy, we didn't know how good we had it with 'bad' back then."

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Re: Make your case.

The other thing about Batman and Robin is that while watching it as an adult, you might shudder frequently, but I saw it when I was just a little boy.  As a kid, that was just what film-batman was for me.  And really, say what you will about ice puns, but unless you go super Nolan-serious and cast Ed Harris or Peter Stormare, is there a better pick for Mr. Freeze than Arnold?


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