(35 replies, posted in Creations)

Wait, it took you to today to notice this? Holy heck.

Don't tell me you are new to the art of www.simonstalenhag.se too? wink



(2 replies, posted in Off Topic)

"Mad Fun" is an understatement. It's insanely addictive. More addictive than anything I've tried, and it can get very expensive... I think getting hooked on meth would be cheaper, and an easier habit to break !

I even arrange meetups these days... here's one from earlier in the year (sorry about the Swedish) smile



(2 replies, posted in Off Topic)

So as many people know, I stumbled into a new hobby..... anyone else doing this stuff?



(152 replies, posted in Episodes)

Teague wrote:

Heh. Yeah. Yessir.
Thanks for everything, Zap. From years of service in the forum community to The Dark Crystal commentary to walking my drunk ass to the car at Comic-Con.

That - and at the end of said commentary introducing y'all to Tims Vermeer... which y'all apparently forget mentioning it on a later episode where the topic came up... LOLF!

Anyway, congratulations on getting a chunk of time back into your life, but, also - BOOHOO!



(152 replies, posted in Episodes)

The last 5 seconds == Tears



(990 replies, posted in Off Topic)

I quite enjoyed the Flatline epsiode, especially since we got a whoopin' at the end we havn't really seen since the earlier seasons of Smith.....



(248 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Holy Shit, I hope Mike will get well!

The fact you have to fundraise for his medical infuriates me, you should all go torches and pitchforks on a government that allows that to happen!!

My #feels are with Mike, though I have to save some #feels for my mom, who is in palliative care with a cancer tumor the size of a grapefruit in her brain, some in her lung, and whatnot... today we celebrated her 78:th birthday, which felt.... odd.  She'll end up 78 plus some days, or maaaybe weeks. She's been in hospital for weeks. Costs us $10 a day....no matter the care needed.....



(168 replies, posted in Off Topic)


Specifically at 4 minutes 42 seconds and to the end...



(40 replies, posted in Off Topic)

But it is Starship Troopers - the BOOK - meets Groundhog day/Source Code

And it is also THIS:http://escapepod.org/2012/04/05/ep339-run-bakri-says/. Please listen to that awesome little short story, which takes the same basic premise to a whole new level....



(169 replies, posted in Episodes)

Which is why "Guardians of the Galaxy" *is* the new Star Wars ... smile



(168 replies, posted in Off Topic)

To me it is obvious - this is the next Star Wars. I'll be there opening day.



(169 replies, posted in Episodes)



(35 replies, posted in Creations)

Over? I doubt that.



(29 replies, posted in Episodes)

Doctor Submarine wrote:

I like that version a lot. The only problem is that the original scene spells out the theme of the movie, and this one kind of doesn't. I mean, I guess it does, but it's not as blatant as the "You need to let go" thing.

Bah, metaphor-schmetaphor, theme-fhleeme.

But if you are so in love with that (And Cuaron apparently is), you could have him spell it out for you. "See? You should have let go in the first place. Your attempt to cling on just made it worse". Or something.



(35 replies, posted in Creations)






(29 replies, posted in Episodes)

About "that scene", the "cliffhanger" thing... I always thought there could have been an even MORE BETTERER solution to that.

- They have speed, she's tangled up with her feet in an *elastic* band
- Band is stretching, he goes "you need to let me go, or it'll break"
- She's all "fuck you, I'm holding on"
- Band stretches... stretches... they are slowing... slowing.... nearly at a stop...
- *PLINK* - band snaps. They are still moving... inches per second... away from safety.
- ...still holding hands...
- He's all "Okay, there's only one way for you to get back to the station. Equal and opposite action, and all that"
- She's all "What?"
- He's all "I need to push you away. You go home, I go away"
- She's all "No!"
- He's all "You got abetter idea!?"
- She's all "Oh fuck...."
- He's all "Yeah, fuck"
- She's all "I push you instead!!" *tears*
- He's all "No"... and shoves her off towards the station.
- They drift apart.. painfully slowly
- He's all "Hey, notice how pretty the stars are out here?"
- She's all "I HATE YOU" *devestated tears*
- He's all *turns on country music*
- He slooooowwwly drifts away.
- 3 minutes later, she bumps into the side of the station - safe - sobbing.
- Country music crackles out.



(35 replies, posted in Creations)

And we are all shaking in anticipation for the new episode. SHAKING.



(50 replies, posted in Episodes)

...tho, I'm still wondering:

Did we really hear different things/recordings...

...or did we hear the same thing and interpret it differently?

I've heard people thinking she was going for a South African accent....  whatever it was it was odd.... and I'm wondering how much my memory is playing tricks on me. I may need to buy the Blurry to check....



(50 replies, posted in Episodes)

Whoah. So maybe she even says different shit in the US release, such that it makes it less understandable...??



(50 replies, posted in Episodes)

Ok so I was confused by one comment you guys did. In the movie *I* saw, Jodie Foster DID have a very thick (and not terribly authentic) French accent.... do you Ammurrcans get a re-dubbed version where she speaks all yankee-doodly-like!?

Also, the scene you were hunting for (Where Robo-Charlto learns about the code mcguffin) is there in the movie. It makes no SENSE (he is tracking/somehow remote-scanning Robo-Daemon, and up pops a *scan of the code*... he looks at the code and somehow automatically realizes "Oh, If I change President=RoboCharlto I will rewl".... and  ...as a programmer, this is broken on so many levels of crazy when it comes to "code" (why does code do that, if they can READ the code they already HAVE the code, how can you by reading a screenful of assembly language determine that is what it does, yada yada yada)) ....but it DOES provide the "plot point" you guys where hunting....



(1,649 replies, posted in Off Topic)

So... my son made this:

(Including the 3d matte painting)

Itadakimasu! smile



(8 replies, posted in Episodes)

Your MOMMA is Hot!!!

Wait... that didn't .... oh well.


Thank you Tomahawk. Would be fun if more than one person watched tho big_smile


Itadakimasu! smile



(47 replies, posted in Episodes)

Speaking of the Geography of the Shining set....

http://www.thefoxisblack.com/2013/12/12 … ommercial/

Fictional but... wow smile
