Topic: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

Ever come up with a great name for something, like a band, only you don't have a band?  Well, you might one day, so claim it here.

And our first entry is...

The Double-Slit Experiment - band, probably uses a lot of electronic stuff and sampling.

Alternatively, if I ever need to name a production company: Double-Slit Productions

I'm sure there's more I can do with it, but that's all I've got for now.


Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

Three Day Beard.

Extended Edition - 146 - The Rise Of Skywalker
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Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

Mans Chester

Eddie Doty

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Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

Jesus Christ Live And In Person At The Salamander Convention

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

Edgy and the Nihilists.

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Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

The Crazy Astronauts.

Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

Boba and the Fetts. And we'd always open and close with "Benny and the Jets" with the lyrics changed.

Chewie and Han, have you seen them yet?
Ooh! But they're so spaced out.
B-b-b-boba and the Fetts
Ooh, they're all clones but they're wonderful
Oh, Boba, he's a-really keen
He's got magnetic boots, a jet-pack suit
I heard it from Emperor Palpatine! Oh-ho!
B-b-b-boba and the Fetts

Warning: I'm probably rewriting this post as you read it.

Zarban's House of Commentaries

Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations


Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

I kinda like the sound of John McClane and the Pithy One-Liners.  Jeremy Clarkson and the Ambitious Rubbish?

Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

I hate the fact that there is a band in the UK called McFly because if I had a band (and was in any way musically talented) I'd name it 'Hello? McFly?' or 'Think, McFly'. Failing that, however, I'd settle for 'Biff and the Buttheads'.  big_smile

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Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

The Trey Stokes Experience

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Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

Cunt Faggot 9/11.


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Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

Ten years later they'll mellow their sound out and call themselves Cunt Faggots 9/11 Starship.

Eddie Doty

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Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations


Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

Selective Outrage Machine

"The Doctor is Submarining through our brains." --Teague

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Re: My new Prog-Rock band, and other appellations

Eddie wrote:

Ten years later they'll mellow their sound out and call themselves Cunt Faggots 9/11 Starship.

Fucking hell I can't breathe.

also CRM-114

Last edited by JessicaMonroe (2011-09-24 12:31:39)

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