Re: Sad Max

Zarban wrote:

Holden! There's something wrong with the forum! No one is congratulating me!

(don't worry. Holden will fix it)

"Most people don't even know what sysadmins do, but trust me, if they all took a lunch break at the same time they wouldn't make it to the deli before you ran out of bullets protecting your canned goods from roving bands of mutants."


Re: Sad Max

Holy shizzle, I didn't even know that was a webcam you were singing into until just now. How have I missed that on all of the other pictures, including on my iPod?

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Re: Sad Max

So a friend of mine at college has to sing a song for one of his acting classes. He's decided to do something from Sad Max. big_smile I'm fervently hoping for a video to share.

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Re: Sad Max

Wowwwwwww. Cool!

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: Sad Max

Betcha didn't expect this thread to get a bump.

I've always had this slower version of "A Level Incomplete" kicking around in my head. (It started because I never really liked how Teague sang "waitiiinnng." Sorry, Teague.) And, well, I've had a Sad Max poster in my room for 4 years and I figured that at some point I should make that cover happen. So.

A Level Incomplete (LatinAlice style)

(I'm a professional, but not at this.)

alicia ♆
twitter | instagram | website

Re: Sad Max

First, from the chat:

Teague: A
Teague: L
Teague: I
Teague: C
Teague: E
Teague: holy fucking goddamned shit alice
Teague: man, I wish you coulda seen my last two minutes; I'm in here screamin' and clappin' and shit
Teague: I'll repeat all of this in the thread in a bit, but, ughhhhhhh, sogoodsogood
Teague: and you're right about "waiting" — I never quite wrote a line for that part of the melody, so it just slid out with no shape at all; you improved it by 600%
Teague: and the harmonies! mmmmf. mmf.
Teague: ughhhhhh I love your "waiting" so much. it's so foldsy, too.
Teague: fabulous work. thanks for doing this cover; thanks for sharing. instantly one of my very favorite music-somethings-I-had-anything-to-do-with ever.
Teague: I'm almost compelled to crack open the 'ol sadmaxmusical youtube account and throw this up on there for the benefit of posterity and also the, like, two people who'd see it now.

I've wanted someone to make this exact version of this exact song for years, and I love it more than I even thought I would. Seriously, your "waiting" (and the whole bridge) are such an improvement on the original. I can't tell you how grateful I am that you made and shared this; the fact that this project is still relevant in people's lives at all, not to mention still inspiring new art and creativity, is so gratifying — and you've got the poster in your room!? Ack! I'm touched. ('cuz I'm also really proud of the poster, is the thing. :-P)

I sent the link along to producer-Jim, who agrees:

Jim Frommeyer wrote:

That was fantastic. This is totally an iTunes indie chart candidate.

Anyway. How would you feel about the YouTube thing? (Last line from the chat transcript.) No worries if you'd rather lay low — and to be clear: posting it wouldn't be, like, the opposite of 'laying low' — but if you're down, I think pretty much anybody who's ever liked Sad Max would love this cover.

So good. Thanks again.

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: Sad Max

That is 1000% more of a reaction than I expected, oh wow.

I can't really explain how or why Sad Max means so much to me, except that it hit me at exactly the right moment in my life, and I continue to refer back to it when I write songs and half-formed musicals (which I do often). It's got the sad and the funny and yes, I do have the poster in my room, still.

I am overjoyed that you liked it so much. Feel free to throw it up on YouTube - it is my gift to you, to do with what you will.

Oh and thanks, Jim, for that immense compliment. I should be so lucky.

Last edited by LatinAlice (2018-10-25 03:52:42)

alicia ♆
twitter | instagram | website


Re: Sad Max

My word that is beautiful song! Love it! Love it! Love it!

The difficult second album Regan

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Re: Sad Max

Just so y'know, I re-hosted the MP3 on the FIYH server and replaced the link in your post with that permalink.

LatinAlice wrote:

when I write songs and half-formed musicals (which I do often).

I'd love to hear more about your stuff — songs, musicals; half-formed or otherwise. Mind if I shoot you an email?

1) This is a very good wall. 2) Your wall-art-separation-padding game is on point.

Feel free to throw it up on YouTube - it is my gift to you, to do with what you will.

Copy that. I don't know how soon I'll be able to get to it — gotta make a little video out of it, and also remember the channel password (:x) — but I fully intend to throw this up there.

I am overjoyed that you liked it so much.

Well then — I guess this worked out for everybody. You spontaneously created a good day. tongue

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: Sad Max

Cool, I made it onto the server tongue And thank you, I am very proud of my wall.

Feel free to shoot me an email, I'd be happy to chat about music stuff. And I do very occasionally throw something up on SoundCloud if anyone's interested.

alicia ♆
twitter | instagram | website

Re: Sad Max

I hope all this newfound interest means we finally get Sad Max 2: The Rhodes Warrior

I've spent years trying to come up with a Road Warrior pun, and this is all I got.

Last edited by JessicaMonroe (2018-10-25 18:54:37)

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Re: Sad Max

Sad Max: Forte Road

Last edited by Abbie (2018-10-25 19:52:19)

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Re: Sad Max

So. I just watched Sad Max. For the first time.

It's been in the background here for so long, but... I'd never gotten to it. I offer no excuses. I made physical discs of Adventures in Faking This and never sat my kiester down to watch Sad Max.

Teague, I know I'm late to the party here, and I can say nothing that I'm sure this community hasn't already said before, but god damn this is great. I wanted to reach out to Max and say, "I'm here, I'm a new subscriber and I care," but I'm seven years and one apocalypse late.

Browsing through the thread now, I can only echo what others say. Lighting was magnificent - I turned off the lights in my room about ten minutes in to watch in sympathetic darkness. You always had it at just the right angle to feature your eye well, never too front-lit and never too side-lit.

And Disproportionately Happy... man, I had no idea how it would end without just falling off a cliff but you made it work. You brought a smile to my face - remembering what he'd devoted, literally, the last three weeks of his life to, and that he'd accomplished it.

And to your performance, Teague. Genuine. One hundred percent. I was never watching Teague, a VFX artist who used to run a podcast and does music stuff sometimes, I was watching Max, a musician who runs (or, I supposed, used to run) a YouTube channel with a decent following.

(But yes LatinAlice totally whooped your butt on waaaaiiiitttiiinnnggggg.)

Great job and you have my deepest apologies for not actually getting around to this sooner.

Boter, formerly of TF.N as Boter and DarthArjuna. I like making movies and playing games, in one order or another.

Re: Sad Max

<crooked eye> Not sure that was apologetic enough.

(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

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Re: Sad Max


Boter, formerly of TF.N as Boter and DarthArjuna. I like making movies and playing games, in one order or another.


Re: Sad Max

New series idea: Boter sings something

The difficult second album Regan

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Re: Sad Max

You don't actually want that.

(That said, I sat down this morning and worked on my tracks from the Still Alive project and will probably be releasing that next week.)

Last edited by Boter (2019-07-08 18:43:42)

Boter, formerly of TF.N as Boter and DarthArjuna. I like making movies and playing games, in one order or another.

Re: Sad Max

Regan wrote:

New series idea: Boter sings something

Yes, Boter, we want that. Join us!

Also, may I propose another series idea? We all create a unique melody for waaaaiiiitttiiinnnggggg. I think the possibilities are endless!

alicia ♆
twitter | instagram | website


Re: Sad Max

what have you dooonnneeee

Boter, formerly of TF.N as Boter and DarthArjuna. I like making movies and playing games, in one order or another.

Re: Sad Max

Thanks, man.

Truth be told, for reasons that are complicated to explain, I'm not really in a place to feel positive feedback right now, and I was hoping to hold off on replying until I could actually reply in-kind... but, it seemed like the delay was becoming rude, given my normal pattern of quicker public replies, and I didn't want to leave you hangin' for too long... so: 1) sorry about my lack of energy at the moment; 2) I'm really glad you liked it, and that it still holds up with fresh audiences; and: 3) look, the only the only thing I ever wanna do is fix waiting lines... so if y'all wanna have a competition to fix mine, I'd be downright hypocritical to oppose it. smile Hell, I might even join.

Thanks again.

Teague Chrystie

I have a tendency to fix your typos.

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Re: Sad Max



(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

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Re: Sad Max

Teague wrote:

Thanks, man.

Truth be told, for reasons that are complicated to explain, I'm not really in a place to feel positive feedback right now, and I was hoping to hold off on replying until I could actually reply in-kind... but, it seemed like the delay was becoming rude, given my normal pattern of quicker public replies, and I didn't want to leave you hangin' for too long... so: 1) sorry about my lack of energy at the moment; 2) I'm really glad you liked it, and that it still holds up with fresh audiences; and: 3) look, the only the only thing I ever wanna do is fix waiting lines... so if y'all wanna have a competition to fix mine, I'd be downright hypocritical to oppose it. smile Hell, I might even join.

Thanks again.

Teague, you're still a good guy, energy or not.

I also used one of your videos to help a client of mine with learning intervals and music theory.

You done good.

God loves you!

Thumbs up +3 Thumbs down

Re: Sad Max

Wait, is Teague in a depressive state? That doesn't  happen! But if it does, man, talk to us. You know better than to not talk to the one place online where you absolutely can talk about this sort of stuff!

Thumbs up +3 Thumbs down

Re: Sad Max

Decided to bust out the guitar and see which songs I could still play without looking up the lyrics, so here's a quick-and-dirty rendition of Who's There:

Video link

Hopefully that link should work, I'm rusty in the ways of forum-fu.

Update: Also gave Literally a crack, but didn't quite remember it as well as I thought I did.
Linkity Clinkity

Last edited by HenryChM (2019-09-17 03:56:04)

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Re: Sad Max

Henry! So glad you could join us folk who sing things!
Nicely done. You sound good enough for the apocalypse big_smile

alicia ♆
twitter | instagram | website