This is a tricky thing. Demystification of the complex is ostensibly good. Curiosity and broad relative understandings of things are also healthy.
But shortcut understanding has inherent sacrifice. The slope here runs towards, "ONE WEIRD TRICK TO UNDERSTANDING THIS PIECE FROM THE JOURNAL SCIENCE". Big words are big on purpose.
There's this dangerous TED-talky redditification of intellectual tourists. We're at critical mass of Dreamworks-faced white guys in their 20s that really **get it** about nuanced, impossibly complex topics because they read a few wikis and an ELI5 and want to sound smart at parties. Don't be that guy.
Difficult stuff is difficult for a reason. If you want to play at certain levels, there is a requisite workload and expense of mental effort that's required to function at that level. Accreditation is important. Study is key.
There is no quick and easy way to true knowledge and deep understanding. It requires focus, passion, intellect, and hard work beyond, "I read an article". You may be able to see the peak of someone else's mountain, but there are no shortcuts to get there other than to climb down and start another trip up from the bottom of the valley.