(58 replies, posted in Episodes)

I had an idea about lightsabers I want to get everyone's opinion on. Originally it was only supposed to be Blue for good and Red for bad right? What if the lightsabers were "tied" (for lack of a better term) to the user, so that the user in essence controlled the color of the blade. If they were calm, cool, collected (IE Lightside) it would be blue, but if they were angry it would be red. May not seem like much a change but remember the final fight confrontation between Luke and Vader, now imagine when Luke starts freaking out his lightsaber starts changing from Blue to red in the middle of the fight and then when he realizes what he was doing he doesn't look at his hand like he does, but he looks at how red his blade has become. I think that would have been really cool, what do you all think?


(25 replies, posted in Episodes)

Something is bugging me. In this viewing you guys comment on how in war they would color code the planes differently from enemy planes, and you made it sound like they were just being polite. However another big reason is that keeping your planes visually separable from enemy planes makes it so much easier to not shot down your one of your own. Think about it, if everyone was flying a green plane, how would you know which is the enemy? If you say by checking out which type of plane they are flying do remember although calmly you can tell the difference between say a Hellcat and a Zero, in the thick of battle with adrenaline pumping you aren't going to be thinking so clearly and at the range of the dogfight would be difficult to tell apart. Finally you got AA guns on the ground which are WAY to far away to be able to tell the difference between and allied speck and an enemy speck that they are shooting at. There are confirmed cases of Allied planes being shot down by friendly fire because it is already difficult to tell a friend from foe. If everyone flew the same colored plane, I don't think we would have ANY pilots left around.

I don't care so long as it has Anguirus. I love that giant spike ball!


(164 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Is it bad that I am watching TV shows from my childhood that still exist? Like Power Rangers...


(9 replies, posted in Off Topic)

I finally got around to watching John Carter and listened to your commentary. Something that is getting me comes from early in it, talking about Taylor's horrible voice choise, and going on until the thought of "All you need is angst."

My problem with that is, if that is all you need, a raspy type of voice and an angsty character, then why the heck isn't Clint Eastwood starring in every thing?

I agree you need to have angsty characters in some parts, but that can't be the only thing. Lets look to LOTR (I know you did that alot in the commentary so I am doing it) Frodo, and the rest of the Fellowship don't exactly have a lot of angst. They do have moments of it, but it isn't really that big of a thing.

Now, I am not a movie maker, I work at a gas station over nights so I am not the guy to figure this all out. So I want to ask the question, to everyone, what at the central things you need in a character to have that character be loved?


(22 replies, posted in Off Topic)

I don't like to let go. George raped our childhoods and I want him to pay for it. I know that he never will but doesn't mean I can't want it.

As for Simon Pegg, I don't even know who that is. (Shows how much I know)

George made a movie about a rebelion that took down a tyranny (Somewhat like George Washington), not a kid joining a terrorist group and overthrowing a government (Somewhat like Adolf Hitler.)

Act of Valor was made almost souly, by Navy Seals. The only hollywood influence on it was for the soundtrack.

As for James Cameron, he remade Pocahontas with giant smurfs. But that movie portrays my point pretty well. We used to get movies like Patriot, movies that portray American values. Not we get things like Avatar, where the government, or businesses are corrupt and the (For lack of a better term) "barbarians" are the good guys.


(22 replies, posted in Off Topic)

[*][/*]Since I havn't seen a post or anything about this I thought I would start one. But in the end it is me just being a nerd and a Military freak all in one.

As I am damned well positive everyone here has seen the re-release of Star Wars, where Greedo shoots first, but by some unknown forces misses by about 2 feet. You know let me rant on this this first.

Star Wars implies that Greedo is a trained killer. First off why would a trained killer not just shoot Han? I am positive you could find some reason, but we have to assume that the bounty on Han is very high,  in which case brining in a dead Han would likely still give you a pretty big payday. Also as most people who actually own guns would tell you pulling a gun is a last resort, and sinse you are not local law enforcement, if you ever pull a gun on someone you shoot them. If put into the situation where you need to pull a gun, you need to pull the trigger.

If say the bounty was for a live guy only (Which is very unlikely but whatever) Why not just sneak up behind the guy and handcuff him? Why would you put a gun in his face and force him into a booth to discuss ANYTHING! Hell you don't even need to handcuff him. Come up behind him and put the gun in his back! and force him out of the bar. You don't need to talk to the guy, so WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO HIM!

Number 2 Why did you force him into a booth and allow him to have one of his hand out of your line of sight? What are cops known to say "Hand's up." It should be pretty obvious why, but apparently I need to spell it out. They do it because if you can't see one of their hands, you don't know what it is doing. What if they are grabbing a gun? And as before mentioned, if you ever have to pull a gun, you shoot it too.

Okay I feel better. Now why does Greedo shoot first? I don't know how many people have handled a gun, but for those who havn't let me point out, it is damned near impossible to miss a target 3 feet away. Even if you are "Shooting from the hip" it is impossible to miss, by a few inches, mess less a foot.

George has said "He didn't want Han to be a 'cold blooded killer.'" Seriously? George I don't know if you have ever been in this situation or not, but any idiot should be able to tell you that having a gun leveled at you is a deadly threat, and in the law, you can kill them to defend yourself. Not to long ago there was a news story of a young mother killing a guy who was attempting to break into her house. So if you need Han to be "morally justified" in shooting Greedo, have Han shoot Greedo the second he has a gun leveled at him.

But the "morally justified" idea doesn't hold water because Han shot before Greedo's shot even hit the wall. Human reaction time isn't that fast. Han had decided to shoot Greedo right then, Greedo shooting had no effect on his decision.

This brings me to another point. Everyone remembers "Return of the Jedi" as the one with "The Good Little Bears" beating the Empire. Most people question that, but thats a mute point to what I want to go into. George has said that the "Little Bears" as he views it are the Vietcong, and the Empire was the American Military... Seriously George? So you view the good gusys as the vietcong who killed how many innocent, freedom loving South Vietnamese? George in Every movie people need to sympathize with the good guys, and not like that bad guys, but the bad guys are not you! If you are the bad guy of your own movie, you need help! There is no reason that you should hate yourself so much.

You know this makes me wonder what is happening? What has happened to Hollywood? Where are all the good movies about American Heroes, instead of "The last good man in a corrupt military" or stuff like that. I want to see more movies where the American's are the good guys, and the Nazi's, or the communist, or the murderous barbarians are the bad guys.

Guess thats why I love Act of Valor so much. It wasn't made by Hollywood, it was made by and starred active duty Navy Seals. Which is why I think, we need more military men making movies. Because they know what side they are on.

I watched Skyline then proceeded to bash my head into a brick wall in an attempt to forget what I just saw.

And I just saw that Micheal Bay announced that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie he is working on will not have them be Mutants, but instead Aliens. At which point I asked "When will Hollywood stop raping our childhoods?"


(0 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Not sure how many of you guys follow this, but this is something I like so I figured I would share it.

Last year, we have to face it, there where many snubs for the Oscars. They are far to numerous to list, so I would even bother. Well in response a large amount of movie reviewers on Youtube (Not sure if there where any other sites) Got together to create the YouReviewers Movie Awards just so the many people who deserved the Oscars, but got snubbed would get something. If you haven't heard about it, please check it out. Jeremy Jahns, and Schmoesknow are by far the spearheads behind this, but by no means alone. Anyway, that's enough ramble.

Don't know if there is a code in order to post this, but here a behind the scenes for 2012 YRMR.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn5ibjEM … AAAAAAADAA


(45 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Remove it from your mind! It doesn't exist! Grah!!!


(18 replies, posted in Creations)

So when will we be able to see this in theatres.

To Snail, I can see the ship being inspired by Serenity, but thats as far as I am willing to go with that.

Top 10...
10. Jurassic Park
9. Star Trek Wrath of KHAAAAAAAN!
8. Matrix 1
7. Star Wars 3
6. Independance Day.
5. Last Airbender.
4. Spiderman 3
3. Terminator: Salvation
2. Star Wars Episode 1
1. Star Wars Episode 2.

Looking at it now, I realize I loving listening to you guys go insane about crappy movies. Anyway those are my ten. As for the Intermission I couldn't tell you, I have only heard 3 (As of now)


(10 replies, posted in Off Topic)

We agree on that point. I am simply saying that out of stupidity he missed how it could be seen as Jar Jar as pure evil. In the end I respect your opinions but like I said I don't know if I will ever be able to get over the dissappointment, but everyone has their own reactions.


(10 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Let me reiterate that. I believe that is the truth, but everyone seems to agree that it was George's poor writing. Let me ask, is it possible that Jar Jar could be the Sith Lord? I have already listed how many times that Jar Jar should be dead, is it a possibility that George Lucas unintentionallyput in a story that made it possible that the most annoying character ever made, was also the most evil?

As for the bomb in Anakin's head, I always assumed it wasn't a bomb it just made his blood mostly jet fuel, and thats why he lit up like a match at the end of Episode 3.

As for the Robot Chicken, when I saw that I went insane because that made me realize that I wasn't the only one with this train of thought.


(10 replies, posted in Off Topic)

I'm a Star Wars fan. I love Star Wars more than most and I want to love the prequels like I do the originals. Because of this wanting to love what is unlovable I have come to realize something in my mind, and I hope to be able to explain it here. Now let me set this up. What is the worst thing about all the Star Wars movies plot wise. Undeniably it is Jar Jar Binks. But unfotunatly he is needed to further the plot of the movies, however, he is not there to further the plot in a good way. I have come to realize, Jar Jar is the Dark Lord of the Sith. Not Palpatine, he is just a pawn. Here's how I realized this. In most movies if there is a character in a movie that if they died the whole conflict would be solved, that character is usually the main villian, or in league with main villian. Jar Jar in the movies is supposed to be a good guy, but he does nothing good. In fact if Qui-Gon had let him die, the Galaxy would of been saved.

Lets go through this point by point. Jar Jar is the one who takes the Obi-Wan and Qui-gon to the Gungan city. So if he had not gotten them transport to Theed, the queen would of been forced to sign a treaty that although is never fully explained can only be guessed that offered a portion of all revenue from trade to the trade federation. Naboo would be hurt economically a bit, but it would not be crippling because there is no way they could take all revenue without the rest of the galaxy raising an eyebrow. THus saving alot of people who where killed by the Federation occupation and sending the Jedi to do some more important things. But considering they are more common than crickets, we can only assume the more important thing would be help some poor sod who lost his home due to foreclosure.

Now that the first movie ended with alot of people not dead, the galaxy is already much better off, but it is also very possible that systems never began leaving the republic because the trade dispute was solved thus no reason for the  Trade Federation to secede and bring others with them, thus the Galaxy would never be plunged into the Clone Wars, thus no need to give the chancellor any extra powers thus Palpatine would have been forced to leave office after his term, and thus the Jedi would never be destroyed, Anakin would still be a whiny baby, but thats another note. and thus the galaxy is much better off. (And yes I like to say "Thus.")

Now you may be wondering "How does that make Jar Jar the Dark lord?" Well look at the first movie. THere are many times where he should of been killed but by "Luck" WHich doesn't exist, I might add. He goes through an entire battle, being pretty much dead center of most the action, and he isn't even targetted by the droids, which are seen in several scenes to be surrounding him. Yet not targetted, not even scratched? He even fell from the back of a crago truckish thing, and by some miracle isn't crushed by the door, or the huge, blue ball things, I forget what they are called. Then he gets flung onto a tank turret by an explosion, how did that not kill him? Now don't ask me why the droid doesn't just pop out and shoot him right there, but it waits for the perfect moment for Jar Jar not only to be juggling one of those blue balls, but the exact moment when Jar Jar has lost it going perfectly toward where the droid is popping up. Thats very lucky in a world with no luck.

Thats not the end of the "should be dead" moments. In episode 2 he is a Representative of Naboo. Note the senator at the time has a price on her head. Most plots don't just kill the number 1 guy, most plots (or good plots anyway) Take care of the Number 1 guy, the number 2 guy and the number 3 guy. Jar Jar would be well within the "WHo to kill" list but he is never seen in any danger. Also according to the lore of Star Wars there are several attacks made by people against the creation of an army. Jar Jar is the one who proposed  the emergency powers, so in a way, he is responsible for the creation of an army and he never even has an attempt made on him? For having no connection to the force he has gotten very lucky throughout the first movies. We know luck doesn't exist meaning he had to be using the force to ensure his survival, as well as manipulating the rest of the galaxy into such a perfect way to ensure the Sith domination over everything.

What do you all think? Am I in the ballpark, or a raving lunatic?


(431 replies, posted in Off Topic)

Hello everyone. I am Dark Coyote. It is a nickname I had in Highschool so DON'T ASK! I am a movie nerd in different ways then most in that I don't see what the director wants, I see what they don't want. For example The Chosen One is a macguffin of Star Wars. And, also from Star Wars, Jar Jar is the Dark lord of the sith. So um... Yeah. Take it or leave it.


(2,061 replies, posted in Episodes)

How about Skyline. Only problem I will never watch it along with you, but listening to you rip it a new one would be untold amounts of hysteria and f___ing win!