Is it ok if I answer some already asked? Ain't answering the sex ones, though.
Teague wrote:What happened with the first person you ever confessed a crush to, or asked out.
She laughed in my face then I got teased and bullied for months at school by other boys (and some girls). In retrospect, she was a bit of a nasty bitch....
Teague wrote: When you were the most weirded out, what was weirding you out?
You know that thing about being weirded out by hearing your parents have sex.....?
Landporpus wrote:Who raped YOUR childhood?
Nobody, my childhood memories of TV shows and films I loved are perfectly intact and unraped.
fireproof78 wrote:Most awkward moment with significant other/crush/romantic interest?
When I was at college (and stupid and naive) I texted a girl I was friends with but also crushed on, hard and asked her what she was wearing. We had had conversations abut clothes and stuff before (and people thought I was gay, pfffft) which is why most of my friends in later life have been girls. However, this was at night and she took it as a pervy sexual thing and told me to fuck off and didn't speak to me for days. We made up, though, and still spoke about clothes after that, so....
Sam F wrote:
What was your favorite movie as a small child?
I think it was Bugsy Malone. Then when I was a wee bit older I saw Ghostbusters for the first time...
HenryChM wrote:
What would you name your grandchildren? (Because one generation is too mainstream)
Well, I very highly doubt that would be up to me but if it is, Kyle for a boy and Hannah for a girl.....
Darth Praxus wrote:If you had to choose two of the DiFers to run for president and vice president respectively, whom would you choose? (I'm all for a Dorkman/Trey ticket).
Ewing wrote:
What disappointed you more, the Matrix sequels or the Star Wars prequels?
Cared about neither. Ghostbusters 2.