Re: What's Going On: Changes to Come
Imagine Teague saying "ladiesandgentlemanwelcometo.the.back.row our movie this week is..."
it doesn't sound right
Last edited by Lamer (2013-04-15 15:43:13)
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Imagine Teague saying "ladiesandgentlemanwelcometo.the.back.row our movie this week is..."
it doesn't sound right
Last edited by Lamer (2013-04-15 15:43:13)
Sounds fine to me, to be honest. It's just because we're all so used to Down in Front.
Quick aside for a moment: Teague's video was so cool, it crashed my shockwave plug in and I had to restart my browser: true story
Could call it the Sharkbrain gallery. I like, "The Back Row" or "in the back row."
I know Kyle put a lot of work in to his so I will have to go back and review them. There was some interesting ideas he put out there.
I had a panic attack when I played the podcast this morning and I heard Teague's voice take on that "We need to talk" tone. I'm just relieved that the show isn't ending. I like "Four Friends In Your Head" or "The Friends In Your Head".
Call it anything but Shark Brain. I'm standing my ground on this one.
Same thing happened to Adam Kempanaar with Cinephiles. He changed to Filmspotting, and the rest is history. (Very minor, Internet podcasting history).
However, frankly, I've never like the name Down in Front. It's an unwashed whore and a guttersnipe, and I say good riddance to bad rubbish.
I like Friends in Your Head, but I agree that it suggests self-help more than movies. I like Shark Brain, but agree that it doesn't say much at all. I like The Intermission, but it's not very accurate in the case of running commentary during the movie.
Maybe a more direct parallel to The Intermission is appropriate, like Fridge Logic or Hanging a Lantern.
Cliff Ravenscraft, the Podcast Answer Man, says that, as pedestrian as it seems, choosing an obvious title will get you an order of magnitude more listeners via iTunes and Google. I forget his personal example, but I guarantee that The Doctor Who Podcast got thousands of listeners immediately while The Podcast of Impossible Things struggled for a few hundred. So maybe Fridge Logic Film Commentaries or Shark Brain Movie Commentaries is the way to go.
Films We Want
You Want Films?
Imma quit before that becomes a pattern.[/one-track mind]
Last edited by drewjmore (2013-04-15 16:55:23)
Ooo. Fridge Logic has a nice ring to it...
Fridge Logic could work, yeah. But is it too TV Tropes-specific? I know that they didn't invent the idea, but that phrase feels distinct to them. It sounds cool for sure, but avoiding trope names is probably a good idea.
I just now got thru this thread (some of us have WebEx meetings and conference calls and spreadsheets and business work), but Kyle wins the Internets today. Also, I agree with Teague about everything, except maybe The Back Row. That's neither DWISOTT nor particularly intriguing.
Actually, since Teague mentioned expanding the podcast outside of movies to cover other similarly geeky interests, maybe Friends In Your Head could work.
After some thought I've managed to come up with various suggestions of various qualities:
Four Guys On A Couch Going Down...On Film
Deepak Chopra Vampire Hunter
A bit more seriously...Fighting In Plain Site would actually kind of fit, though it says nothing about film...
Structure, Tropes & Discourse (Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to STD!)?
A good old fashioned hate fucking would get all of my votes...
[Title Censored!] Commentaries
Pulgasari & Friends!
F*ck The Soundtrack!
Under Deconstruction
Movie Notes With Jokes
The Hollywood Enforcer
Voluntary Schizophrenia (goes to the four friends in your head idea, which I kind of hate as a title, love as a tagline...)
Movies All The Way Down! (I think this may be my favorite of this list....)
What are the rules for crafting a good movie title? Perhaps that should guide the process?
Movies All The Way Down! (I think this may be my favorite of this list....)
I love it.
I like 'Fridge Logic Commentaries' or a variation thereof. The Front Row I liked, but Back Row to me has connotations of being noisy jerks throwing popcorn at other folks at the cinema or lovers making out.
Still... there's always Geekza. You don't need to see any others, that is the one you're looking for.
My short list is now...
Press Play Film Commentaries
Fridge Logic Film Commentaries
Cahuenga Labs Film Commentaries
Shark Brain Movie Commentaries
Back Row Commentaries
Third Act Trouble Fan Commentaries
I think Fridge Logic and Press Play would work best aloud and on merch and are clearest to potential listeners.
Please, PLEASE, nothing with "geek" in the name.
EDIT: Red, I chuckle at your sig EVERY SINGLE TIME.
/Well, now, look, Dr. Johnson, I may be as thick as a whale omelette, but even I know a book's got to have a plot.
Last edited by Zarban (2013-04-15 18:02:33)
I changed my mind. I think that Press Play is the best suggestion so far. It suggest movies in a very obvious way, but it could also refer to music, games, and other geeky topics. You could also keep the same logo.
Deepak Chopra Vampire Hunter
I should not find this as funny as I do.
We should be Movie Talk with Linda Richman.
I feel like a dick, so I'm liking every post made by a British person. Yes, that means Xavier and Jimmy both got undue likes. Who told you the world was fair?
Undue or not, I appreciate it. Although I am disappointed I didn't get one for 'The Crazy Fun Time Movie Podcast With Four Friends In Your Head'. I understand why I didn't but I'm disappointed nonetheless
I burdened my lists down with joke names. After reading Zarban's insight and thinking about it, I would like to make my official one suggestion be Creative Hindsight Commentary.
I like it because it is not specific to film but encapsulates what you guys are really good at and what, for me, makes DIF the only podcast I have stuck to religiously since I discovered it- using what you have learned through trial, error, and observation to find what defines quality in creative endeavors. Over the last four years or so you've taught me how to not only really appreciate good movies on a higher level, but how to have a good time thinking about bad movies. And also, as someone who has always been a storyteller in one capacity or another, that insight applies over all types of art. I have applied what I've learned from DIF to what I do in wrestling rings, if that gives you an indication of the span of application this kind of insight has.
And it's a humble sort of name, just short of self deprecation, admitting that you have the advantage of post-release context. And that fits too- you came together as a group of acquaintances having a few drinks and tearing apart Crystal Skull and Episode one and realizing what could be learned by picking up the pieces, observing them, and trying to put the whole thing back together properly. And the real fun of DIF is that these aren't lectures- we get to watch you guys learn and get better at this. One of my favorite things tangential to the podcast is watching your individual or team side projects and seeing concepts I listened to you hammer into shape in DIF deliberately utilized to the benefit of the project.
It's simple, catchy, efficient, casts a wide net, represents you guys perfectly and most importantly I thought of it.
Creative Hindsight Commentary.
there shall be no polling!
That said, I am interested - just out of curiosity - which ones people like the most. There's certainly some useful data to be gathered there.
ANYway. So many good suggestions. Good work, hivemind.
A year or so ago, the podcast stopped being just movie commentaries, so I don't think we should put "movie commentaries" in the official name.
The Back Row works. It's still Down in Front, we just changed seats.
Someone suggested We'll Fix It In Post, or maybe some variation (Fixing It In Post, whatever). That's actually quite good (if that name is available) at describing what we do, and also what we DO. It definitely says "movie-based", and it's a valid title for both the commentaries and pretty much every Intermission we've done, too.
On that note, What's Wrong With This Picture? is also growing on me.
If Shark Brain is a science podcast and The Back Row is about racism, then Press Play is obviously for gamers and Fridge Logic is clearly a podcast about healthy eating.
My current fave: Fix It In Post.
From the suggestions so far, The Front Row (already taken by the Beeb, apparently) and UnPause.
Monday Morning Filmmaking
Half in the bag commentary
Behind the Beans
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